qPCR NEWS January 2009 - Lab-on-Chip special edition
Dear researcher,
dear Gene Quantification page reader,
Our newsletter informs about the latest news in quantitative real-time
PCR (qPCR and qRT-PCR), which are compiled and summarised on the Gene
Quantification homepage. The focus of this newsletter issue is:
- qPCR 2009 Event => http://www.qPCR2009
- we are proud to present 230 scientific contributions (86 talks & 144
posters) have a look on the preliminary online agenda
- http://online-
- Lab on Chip application papers
- PCR efficiency page updated with the newest papers in the field
- Online translation service of the Gene Quantification
=> http://translation.
- European wide qPCR application workshops => register now !
=> qPCR course program spring - summer 2009
Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) is a term for devices that integrate (multiple)
laboratory functions on a single chip of only millimeters to a few
square centimeters in size and that are capable of handling extremely
small fluid volumes down to less than pico liters. Lab-on-a-chip
devices are a subset of MEMS devices and often indicated by "Micro
Total Analysis Systems" (µTAS) as well. Microfluidics is a broader
term that describes also mechanical flow control devices like pumps
and valves or sensors like flowmeters and viscometers. However,
strictly regarded "Lab-on-a-Chip" indicates generally the scaling of
single or multiple lab processes down to chip-format, whereas "µTAS"
is dedicated to the integration of the total sequence of lab processes
to perform chemical analysis. The term "Lab-on-a-Chip" was introduced
later on when it turned out that µTAS technologies were more widely
applicable than only for analysis purposes.
Microfluidics deals with the behavior, precise control and
manipulation of fluids that are geometrically constrained to a small,
typically sub-milimeter, scale. It is a multidisciplinary field
intersecting engineering, physics, chemistry, microtechnology and
biotechnology, with practical applications to the design of systems in
which such small volumes of fluids will be used. Microfluidics has
emerged in the beginning of the 1980s and is used in the development
of inkjet printheads, DNA chips, lab-on-a-chip technology,
micro-propulsion, and micro-thermal technologies.
- Nanodroplet real-time PCR system with laser assisted heating
- A polymer lab-on-a-chip for reverse transcription (RT)-PCR based
point-of-care clinical diagnostics
- Microchip-based one step DNA extraction and real-time PCR in one
chamber for rapid pathogen identification
- PCR thermal management in an integrated Lab on Chip
- Rapid PCR in a continuous flow device
- Single-molecule DNA amplification and analysis in an integrated
microfluidic device
- Microfabricated PCR-electrochemical device for simultaneous DNA
amplification and detection
- Miniaturized flow-through PCR with different template types in a
silicon chip thermocycler
- Coordinating Multiple Droplets in Planar Array Digital Microfluidic
- Microcontact Printing of DNA Molecules
- Ultra fast miniaturized real-time PCR: 40 cycles in less than six
- ITO-coated glass/polydimethyls
- and much more here http://lab-on-
LOC technology for total RNA and microRNA quality & quantity control
- Bioanlyzer 2100
- Experion
- RNA integrity measurements
- RIN and RQI algorithms
- find more information and papers here
=> http://rna-integrit
online translation
Since October 2008 we provide an online translation service of the
Gene Quantification pages to several languages. Please recognize this
is an automatic and robotic based translation service, and therefore
we can give NO guarantee about the generated content. It should help
to understand the "rough" content of the Gene Quantification pages,
but still the original is the ENGLISH version:
With the new qPCR INFO PORTAL and all the presented tools we will help
you with to find the right information about qPCR and related topics
in Molecular Biology in the literature and in the World Wide Web.
=> Papers / Protocols / Methods / Databases / Alets / Feeds / Books /
Forums / E-mail / Directory
Upcoming Events World-wide academic and commercial qPCR Events
Symposia, Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Online-Seminars,
qPCR Education Program, etc.
Please submit your qPCR event here => events@gene-
qPCR 2009 EVENT - 9 - 13 March 2009
more news here => http://www.qPCR2009
download event FLYER =>
We are proud to present 230 scientific contributions (86 talks & 144
posters) have a look on the preliminary online agenda =>
It is a pleasure to announce the Nobel Prize Laureate Kary Mullis at
the qPCR 2009 event in an own session "25th Anniversary of PCR"
List of confirmed speakers => http://speakers.
An industrial exhibition with the 30 world leading companies will be
held during the qPCR Symposium March 9-11 =>
Our sponsors => http://sponsors.
Please register until 31st December to get the early registartion fee
=> http://registration
Keynote lectures
The Pioneer in PCR Kary B. Mullis 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- 25th Anniversary of PCR
Stephen A. Bustin
Professor of Molecular Science, Institute of Cell and Molecular
Science, Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of
London, UK
- A new qPCR assay for the detection of Clostridium difficile
- MIQE- guidelines for publication of qPCR data
Ken Livak
Senior Scientific Fellow, Fluidigm Corporation,
- Moving from qPCR Assays to qPCR Arrays.
BioEPS GmbH / TATAA Biocenter Germany - qPCR Application workshops
At the TATAA Biocenter Germany we offer qPCR application workshops, a
3-day qPCR Core Module and a 2-day qPCR Biostatistics Module. All
courses are held regularly in Göteborg, Sweden, in English and in
Czech Republic in English and Czech.
Depending on the occasion the workshop language and the different
prices may apply. Further customized workshops and specialized
trainings will be held as well across Europe and world-wide.
TATAA Biocenter Germany workshops are held in cooperation with BioEPS
GmbH, located at the campus of the Technical University of Munich, in
more information and registration, please see our web page:
=> http://TATAA.
Course Occasions 2009:
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.)
2-day BioStatistics Module (Thu. - Fri.)
3-day single-cell qPCR Module (Mon. - Wed.)
3-day microRNA Module (Mon. - Wed.)
26 - 30th January 2009 (E)
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.) & 2-day BioStatistics Module
(Thu. - Fri.)
20 - 22 April 2009 (E) NEW microRNA qPCR
20 - 22 April 2009 (E) NEW singel-cell qPCR Application Workshop
11 - 15 May 2009 (Deutsch)
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.) & 2-day BioStatistics Module
(Thu. - Fri.)
15 - 19 Juni 2009 (E)
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.) & 2-day BioStatistics Module
(Thu. - Fri.)
13 - 15 Juli 2009 (E) NEW microRNA qPCR
27 - 31 Juli 2009 (E)
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.) & 2-day BioStatistics Module
(Thu. - Fri.)
Forward Please send the qPCR NEWS to further scientists and friends
who are interested in qPCR !
Best regards,
Michael W. Pfaffl
responsible Editor of the Gene Quantification Pages
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The qPCR NEWS and the Gene Quantification Pages are educational sites
with the only purpose of facilitating access to qPCR related
information on the internet. The qPCR NEWS and the Gene
Quantification Pages are edited by Michael W. Pfaffl.
Copyright © 2005 - 2009 All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use,
reproduction, or transfer of this message or its contents, in any
medium, is strictly prohibited. Disclaimer & Copyrights are displayed
on the homepage www.gene-quantifica
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