qPCR NEWS March 2009 - focus on HRM & HRM dyes
Dear researcher,
dear Gene Quantification page reader,
Our newsletter informs about the latest news in quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR and qRT-PCR), which are compiled and summarised on the Gene Quantification homepage. The focus of this newsletter issue is:
- HRM page updated with new papers
- NEW page - HRM dyes
- Online translation service of the Gene Quantification
- New qPCR events in autumn 2009
- New qPCR workshop modules at the TATAA Biocenter Germany
- Online translation service of the Gene Quantification => http://translation.
New qPCR workshop modules at the TATAA Biocenter Germany => http://tataa.
European wide qPCR application workshops => register now !
=> course program spring - summer 2009
=> http://www.gene-
High Resolution Melting (HRM) is a novel, homogeneous, close-tube, post-PCR method, enabling genomic researchers to analyze genetic variations (SNPs, mutations, methylations) in PCR amplicons. It goes beyond the power of classical melting curve analysis by allowing to study the thermal denaturation of a double-stranded DNA in much more detail and with much higher information yield than ever before. HRM characterizes nucleic acid samples based on their disassociation (melting) behavior. Samples can be discriminated according to their sequence, length, GC content or strand complementarity. Even single base changes such as SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) can be readily identified.
The most important High Resolution Melting application is gene scanning - the search for the presence of unknown variations in PCR amplicons prior to or as an alternative to sequencing. Mutations in PCR products are detectable by High Resolution Melting because they change the shape of DNA melting curves. A combination of new-generation DNA dyes, high-end instrumentation and sophisticated analysis software allows to detect these changes and to derive information about the underlying sequence constellation.
HRM Applications => new papers
The introduction of HRM has renewed interest in the utility of DNA melting for a wide range of uses, including:
Mutation discovery (gene scanning)
Screening for loss of heterozygosity
DNA fingerprinting
SNP genotyping
Characterization of haplotype blocks
DNA methylation analysis
DNA mapping
Species identification
Somatic acquired mutation ratios
HLA compatibility typing
Association (case/control) studies
Allelic prevalence in a population
Identification of candidate predisposition genes
High Resolution Melting Dyes & probes
The secret of High Resolution Meling (HRM) analysis is to monitor this process happening in real-time. This is achieved by using saturating fluorescent dye. HRM dyes are known as intercalating dyes bind specifically and in high amount (= saturating dye, except SYBR Green) to double-stranded DNA and when they are bound they fluoresce brightly. In the absence of double-stranded DNA they have nothing to bind to and they only fluoresce at a low level (estimations are between 1-4% false positive fluorescence)
* LC Green * SYTO9 * Eva Green * BEBO * SYBR Green
online translation
Since October 2008 we provide an online translation service of the Gene Quantification pages to several languages. Please recognize this is an automatic and robotic based translation service, and therefore we can give NO guarantee about the generated content. It should help to understand the "rough" content of the Gene Quantification pages, but still the original is the ENGLISH version:
With the new qPCR INFO PORTAL and all the presented tools we will help you with to find the right information about qPCR and related topics in Molecular Biology in the literature and in the World Wide Web.
=> Papers / Protocols / Methods / Databases / Alets / Feeds / Books / Forums / E-mail / Directory
Upcoming Events World-wide academic and commercial qPCR Events
Symposia, Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Online-Seminars, qPCR Education Program, etc.
Please submit your qPCR event here => events@gene-
BioEPS GmbH / TATAA Biocenter Germany - qPCR Application workshops
At the TATAA Biocenter Germany we offer qPCR application workshops, a 3-day qPCR Core Module and a 2-day qPCR Biostatistics Module. All courses are held regularly in Göteborg, Sweden, in English and in Freising-Weihenstep
Depending on the occasion the workshop language and the different prices may apply. Further customized workshops and specialized trainings will be held as well across Europe and world-wide.
TATAA Biocenter Germany workshops are held in cooperation with BioEPS GmbH, located at the campus of the Technical University of Munich, in Freising-Weihenstep
=> http://TATAA.
Course Occasions 2009:
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.)
2-day BioStatistics Module (Thu. - Fri.)
3-day single-cell qPCR Module (Mon. - Wed.)
3-day microRNA Module (Mon. - Wed.)
20 - 22 April 2009 (E) NEW microRNA qPCR
11 - 15 May 2009 (Deutsch)
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.) & 2-day BioStatistics Module (Thu. - Fri.)
15 - 19 Juni 2009 (E)
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.) & 2-day BioStatistics Module (Thu. - Fri.)
13 - 15 Juli 2009 (E) NEW microRNA qPCR
27 - 31 Juli 2009 (E)
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.) & 2-day BioStatistics Module (Thu. - Fri.)
=> http://www.gene-
Forward Please send the qPCR NEWS to further scientists and friends who are interested in qPCR !
Best regards,
Michael W. Pfaffl
responsible Editor of the Gene Quantification Pages
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The qPCR NEWS and the Gene Quantification Pages are educational sites with the only purpose of facilitating access to qPCR related information on the internet. The qPCR NEWS and the Gene Quantification Pages are edited by Michael W. Pfaffl. Copyright © 2005 - 2009 All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or transfer of this message or its contents, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. Disclaimer & Copyrights are displayed on the homepage www.gene-quantifica
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