Tuesday, October 23, 2007

[StemCells] CA CIRM President's Research Scandal(s)

Stem cell work under investigation
Oct. 17, 2007

Australia's Monash University is investigating evidence that
researchers submitted false reports to a funding body over the
progress of a publicly funded stem cell project, it emerged this

One researcher in particular, whose name has not been made public, is
the focus of the investigation. He worked on the project at the
Monash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories under renowned
investigator Alan Trounson, who will next year take the helm at the
$3 billion California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

The researcher, who has since left the university, was a senior
member of a team working on the Adult Stem Cell Lung Regeneration
Project. It aimed to see how adult mesenchymal stem cells might be
used to regenerate lung tissue in preclinical models of cystic
fibrosis. The project had received $1.2 million funding over 18
months from the Australian Stem Cell Centre (ASCC).

But in November last year, routine checks by the ASCC showed that
claims made in a number of routine 90-day progress reports were not
supported by documentation from lab notebooks.

According to Australian media reports, the progress reports falsely
claimed the group had reached pre-set milestones, including
developing a mouse model of smoking-related lung damage and that
producing experimental results showing that treatment with adult stem
cells reversed respiratory damage in the mouse.

A three-week investigation by the ASCC raised enough questions about
the work for the agency to cancel its funding of the project in
February. "The ASCC is entrusted with tax-payer's money and we're
entrusted to apply that money to the very best research to achieve
the results that can come up with a clinical benefit," the
spokeswoman said.

Late 2006, the ASCC passed their evidence on to the deputy vice
chancellor for research at Monash, Edwina Cornish, and she set up an
investigation committee of academics to confidentially examine the
evidence, a Monash University spokesman said.

Both Alan Trounson, as project leader, and the other researcher had
signed the reports in question. However Trounson has not been
implicated in the current investigation, the spokesman told The

"There were many people working on the projects, and only one of
those has been investigated," added Richard Boyd, who is acting as
interim director of the Monash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories
now that Trounson is moving to California. "It's a reminder to
scientists of the need to be diligent with data monitoring and

Boyd said the final report from the university was likely to be
imminent, and that the investigating committee has kept all claims
and data confidential. He added: "I have no idea what the outcome
will be... but no-one has ever indicated to me that the person
involved had deliberately fabricated data."

Dale Carlson, spokesman for the California Institute for Regenerative
Medicine, told The Scientist Trounson had discussed the matter with
CIRM officials prior to his appointment. "It's important to note that
Dr. Trounson is not under investigation," he added. "We are aware of
the matter and have it under careful review."

No data generated by the research has been published, and none will
be, the ASCC said. Trounson's office told The Scientist he would not
comment while the investigation was ongoing.

Stephen Pincock

Editor's note: In a previous version of this article, information
regarding the details of the progress reports was incorrectly
attributed. The Scientist regrets the error.

Links within this article:

C. Crawford, "Stem cell research project under investigation," Herald
Sun, October 13, 2007.

A. Katsnelson, "Calif. stem cell institute appoints president," The
Scientist, September 17, 2007.

A. McCook, "California stem cell ball rolling, sort of," The
Scientist, September 2005.

Stem cells in respiratory repair

Australian Stem Cell Centre

Edwina Cornish

Richard Boyd


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