Sunday, June 15, 2008

[StemCells] Arthritis Dogs

Arthritis Relief for Dogs Found in Stem Cell Therapy
posted 12:31 pm Fri June 13, 2008 -

Anyone with arthritis can understand the discomfort it causes, but
now dog's suffering from the debilitating pain may get some relief
from new stem cell therapy.

For just a three-year-old, Maggie is dealing with the mature problem
of chronic osteoarthritis on her enlarged ankles. "She's very
overdeveloped in the front part of her body which takes a lot of the
weight off of her hind, her hind legs," her owner said.

Maggie is getting the latest procedure, stem cell therapy, to
regenerate the cartilage in her ankles. A couple of ounces of fat are
removed from her abdomen and sent to Vet-Stem, a California company
that harvests the stem cells.

"If you take these cells from fat for instance, these little baby
stem cells and you place them in cartilage, they have the ability to
then grow up into cartilage type cells," veterinarian Dr. Sherman

Two days later, the cells are ready for injection. First, her vet Dr.
Canapp draws fluid out of Maggie's joint, showing just how bad her
arthritis is. A fluoroscope machine helps him to guide the injection
into the joint. The dog is put under during the procedures so they
don't feel any pain.

"We're actually going to be taking this needle and sliding it
directly down into Maggie's ankle, so you can actually see that that
needle is now down into her little joint." A few months later, Dr.
Canapp says Maggie should walk with less pain.

Nine-year-old Mosle has the same treatment in February. Owner Holly
McKai says the difference is subtle, but significant. "When I take
him on his walks, he was pulling, which he literally hadn't done in

The stem cell treatment is generally done after traditional arthritis
treatment had failed.

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