Monday, June 16, 2008

[StemCells] Urinary Incontinence

Treating Stress Urinary Incontinence With Stem Cells Reported From
The Annual Meeting Of The American Urological Association

Article Date: 15 Jun 2008 - 3:00 PDT

ORLANDO, FL ( - Dr. Rodriguez discussed use of stem
cells for treating SUI (Stress Urinary Incontinence). A stem cell is
embryonic, adult, or engineered. Embryonic stem cells come from the
blastocyst which is totipotent or pluripotent. These cells are
immortal, identical clonal cells with long-term self renewal.
Controversies include possible tumor formation, the difficulty
maintaining cell cultures and ethical issues.

Embryonic stem cells can differentiate into ectoderm, mesoderm and
endoderm. Adult stem cells include hematopoetic stem cells, such as
derived from bone marrow. This requires a bone marrow harvest, with
low yield and difficulty to expand clones.

A variety of other tissues have been studied such as muscle or fat.
This avoids ethical issues and it is easier to expand clones. However
they are not immortal, identical, or totipotent and have no specific
markers for identification.

A technique of somatic cell nuclear transfer was described, in which
the DNA from an oocyte is transferred to other cell types. This
technique was used to clone Dolly the sheep, for example.
Reprogramming the nuclear material of an existing adult cell type is
also recently reported, and a new potential technique.

Regarding SUI, the urethra can have atrophy and loss of neuronal
mass. Research is focusing on cell type, matrix and delivery systems,
tissue survival and function. The cells sources include adipose
derived stem cells for intrinsic smooth muscle of the urethra
replacement or muscle derived stem cells for skeletal sphincteric
reconstruction. She described development of an animal model the
mimic this process. She showed that the cells migrate in vivo to
appropriate tissue areas. Microspheres permit localization of the
cells. They have reported clonogenic stem cell differentiation of
adipose cells. Implantation into animals and tissue harvesting data
supports cell differentiation and function. Muscle derived stem cells
are used for regeneration of the skeletal sphincter. At 6 weeks in
animals using these cells, there is restitution of leak-point

An Austrian group reported on injection of collagen and fibroblasts
with progenitor cells in the sphincter area of patients. They had 79%
continence at one year with increased thickness and contractility of
the rhabdosphincter, but continence decreased to 63% at 2 years. She
challenged herself with the question of whether this is a functional
process or only a sophisticated bulking agent.

Presented by Larissa V. Rodriguez, MD, at the Annual Meeting of the
American Urological Association (AUA) - May 17 - 22, 2008. Orange
County Convention Center - Orlando, Florida, USA.

Reported by Contributing Editor Christopher P. Evans,

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