Sunday, June 8, 2008

[StemCells] Increased CB Homing w/new technology

Therapeutic Potential Of Cord Blood Stem Cells Enhanced With New
ScienceDaily (Jun. 6, 2008) — A CD26 Inhibitor increases the
efficiency and responsiveness of umbilical cord blood for bone marrow
transplants and may improve care for blood cancer patients according
to research from Rush University Medical Center being presented at
the 6th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation
Symposium, June 6-7 in Los Angeles.

Kent W. Christopherson II, PhD, assistant professor of medicine and
researcher in the Sections of Hematology and Stem Cell
Transplantation at Rush, is researching a CD26 Inhibitor, a small
molecule enzyme inhibitor that enhances directional homing of stem
cells to the bone marrow by increasing the responsiveness of donor
stem cells to a natural homing signal. Homing is the process by which
the donor stem cells find their way to the bone marrow. It is the
first and essential step in stem cell transplantation.

Cord blood is increasingly being used by transplant centers as an
alternative source of stem cells for the treatment of blood cancers,
including myeloma, lymphoma and leukemia. The cells, which are
collected from the umbilical cord after the baby is delivered and
separated from the cord, are most commonly used for bone marrow
transplantation when a donor from a patient's family or an unrelated
donor does not produce an appropriate bone marrow match.

The current drawback to the usage of cord blood cells is that due to
the limited volume and cell number, there are generally only enough
cells available from a single cord blood collection for children or
very small adults. Cord blood cells also usually take longer to
engraft, leaving the patient at a high risk for infection longer than
donor matched transplanted marrow or peripheral blood stem cells. The
goal of Christopherson's research is to increase the transplant
efficiency of umbilical cord blood and ultimately make transplant
safer and available to all patients who require this treatment.

In his discussion on "Strategies to Improve Homing," Christopherson
states that results from his and other laboratories suggest "the
beneficial effects of the CD26 Inhibitor usage and the potential of
this technology to change hematopoietic stem cell transplantation."

Christopherson will co-chair the session and review some of his
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society funded work at the symposium in a session
entitled "Basic Science and Clinical Studies Addressing Obstacles to
Successful Umbilical Cord Blood Transplants (UCBT)". He will be
joined by Dr. Patrick Zweidler-McKay of the University if Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center. Zweidler-McKay will discuss his team's work
in the same session on Engraftin™, a human recombinant enzyme
technology that increases the efficiency of engraftment and reduces
graft failure in transplantation of cord blood derived stem cells.

Research results in animal models by Christopherson and Zweider-McKay
show that both Engraftin and CD26 Inhibitor can enhance homing and
rate of engraftment, which will result in reduced patient morbidity
and mortality in bone marrow transplants. American Stem Cell, Inc.,
the developer of both technologies, plans to begin human trials in
the next few months.

There are over 250,000 new cancer patients per year who require or
would benefit from stem cell transplantation and as many as 20% are
unable to find a blood or marrow match.


Adapted from materials provided by Rush University Medical Center.
Need to cite this story in your essay, paper, or report? Use one of
the following formats:

MLA Rush University Medical Center (2008, June 6). Therapeutic
Potential Of Cord Blood Stem Cells Enhanced With New Technology.
ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 8, 2008, from­ /releases/2008/06/080606105436.htm

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