Sunday, June 1, 2008

[StemCells] UK to make cloned hES without patient consent

Soon, tissue of dead humans to be cloned
London (PTI): Scientists will soon be able to use tissue from dead
people to create cloned human stem cells for medical research, under
a legal change proposed by the British government.

Health Ministers have put forward the proposal that clinical
laboratories should be permitted to use stored human tissue to create
cloned embryonic stem cells even without the explicit consent of the
donor, 'The Sunday Times' reported. This would allow research to be
done on tissue donated for medical research as long as 30 years ago,
according to the Ministers in Britain.

Many laboratories have banks of stored tissues which act as DNA
libraries that can play a crucial role in finding cures for serious
disorders such as diabetes and motor neurone disease. Ministers have
until now insisted that scientists contact tissue donors to gain
explicit consent before DNA can be used to create cloned embryonic
stem cells.

However, leading scientists say gaining such consent is sometimes
impossible because the donors have died, donated anonymously or
cannot be contacted. They say the ban on using DNA without consent
could hold up vital research.

Now, the Ministers have tabled an amendment to the Human
Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, currently passing through
Parliament, which would allow stored tissue and cells to be used
without the explicit consent of donors. The amendment, which is
expected to be supported by most MPs, will be debated this week.

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