Friday, November 2, 2007

Re: [StemCells] Re: Australians consider New guidelines to protect egg donors

I know what they are doing in medical research is trying to save lives,
Even if it is from shingles and hives for some rickity sickly old wives.
What I always write about is the research money being spent on more animals
and RATS,
You know what I mean (redundant animal test scores) those are the really fat

There are no technical scientific or medical reasons we do not have more
actual human clinical trials
For those fighting terminal brain injuries or inherited diseases, including
brain injury from cancer stem cells
No matter where the cancer started in their bodies or whatever it says in
the files
Because of Bush policy we are six years behind the way I see it, and not
Al Gore was the one most people first elected,
It is the integrity and character of the constitution and judical system
that has been most deeply wounded and effected by Bush
Our human history simply proves the prince and male religious authorities
continue to ring all our bells
No one cares what more women will tell

The embryonic stem cell lines need to be fresh and new
not so old or damaged, it all makes no sense and I feel so blue,
In 2001 our nations scientists just wanted the best tissue materials they
could use,
for major human repairs in the near future, it sure would have been good
It is fresh embryonic stem cells that have the most potential and most
people need
Some reasonable men and women of faith do not understand the obvious greed
Of holding onto the absolutist position that the extra lab specimens must be
totally wasted,
Once the parents do not want or need them to accompish their primary goal
To make a duplicate copy of their own DNA in a new soul
For the child they want to raise as their own.

Bring on the feminists and women of faith with their hands off our ovaries,
if you must,
I thought we were talking about a compromise to provide new fresh embryonic
stem cell lines
for the greater good of all mankind and to save the lives of existing real
people I trust
O I am hopeful we can devise some new embyonic government system of fines
for the eye buyers
Men will always defend their right to sell their own NOBLE sperm or bust

Some women of deep faith have formed a "Holy Alliance"
With the once so called "evil feminists" based on honesty and defiance
Above all to promote the equality of women and responsible advances of
medical science
In the best interests of all humanity, not just for the rich and priviledged
Men and women who always have enough enough money to do anything they want
to do
When whatever they want comes from an endless gold fountain

In fact it is in a book written by a woman,
my goodness what a marvelous omen I thought!
Just because a person swears on a bible, that does not make it the truth, or
make them a person of faith and integrity, if they lie under oath about what
is the truth simply to save their human power.

Keep your faith, cherish your reason, treasure your mind and hold to your
own good purpose and honesty is the best policy by far. Some people do
whatever they want, and then lie about it because it is much easier to never
confess unless you get caught and then ask for forgiveness. It is much harder to
ask for permission to use these fresh surplus embryos in science now, because
we have to convince Bush to allow us to go back to what was being done when
no one was really watching and no one cared what extra human cells were
totally destroyed and are still murdered at fertility clinics anyway .

I have added the MNG questions list again in some new articles if you'd like
to read more
Please scroll down and look for my musings on meningioma tales (dural tails)
and other GREY MATTERS of interest to me about a badly maligned alternative
drug therapy for meningioma brain tumors, my views about donating doomed
surplus frozen embryonic lab specimens to medical science, the birth of new brain
cells, neurogenesis, medical abbrieviations, etc

You will have to figure out how to get into my 2006 ARCHIVES now to read
most of the articles I saved online, because AOL kindly put them away for me. I
hope they will not start charging me extra for storage space without telling
me first, lol I have been a loyal AOL customer for more than ten years...

Click on Archives, then click on this month in 2007 and then click on the
teeny tiny double carots like this << to go back to last August and October
2006 where I have a cheap bakers dozen stored hidden away
GBYAY Anne McGinnis Breen
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