Sunday, November 4, 2007

Re: [StemCells] Re: Australians consider New guidelines to protect egg donors

Ophs sorry I meant to type egg donors before, not eye donors hehehe but
isn't that how most men judge woman anyway? by their looks?

But Honey, if you are afraid a woman is BEATEN BY HER HUSBAND into donating
her eggs to science for money or not, fertility clinic egg donor procedural
health risks are the least of her problems right now no matter where she lives
or how long she lives What do we do to protect them from their husbands?

You also make the women who choose to use to fertility clinics seem very
foolish to be taking such terrible health risks with their own lives just to
have a child with their own DNA, I am sure their rdoctors don't tell them of
these huge egg donor health risks you say are OKed at the fertility clinics, do
you try to tell THEM?

Especially when there are so many orphans and neglected children in
existence who need adoptive parents and loving homes... it might not be a good idea
though because many foster children today were drug babies and have other
health and behavioral problems since their birth including blindness and brain

And the 90% of fertilized eggs that are saved for future family planning for
another baby are not saved indefinitely hon, at some point, women decide
not to pay the freezer rent anymore (BTW if they are real people, are they
souls on ice? Isn't that inhumane, to freeze them, or buy and sell them, like
slaves? if they are already real people?)

The main reason existing human embryonic stem cells lines from before
8/11/01 now form tumors or are rejected is they are so old they have begun to
mutate since they were made almost a decade ago. Practically in the last century
when they used to grow them on primitive mouse feeder cell mediums that
caused tumors to develop. Laboratory control storage incidents and minor
maintenance errors over the past ten years have also damaged and contaminated some of
them leading to further mutations and malignancies that would not occur with
fresh surplus embryos. I believe anywhere from 6 to 10 or 12 or more eggs
are often produced with the hormonal drug products they use today and more than
triplets are occasionally born because more than three eggs were implanted.
But let us not quibble about the numbers...waste not, want not.

Using fresh surplus, late and "arrested" human embryonic cell lines is more
important than ever... I didn't know Bush has added more words and changed a
few to further confuse the public of his intentions and yes last year they
published in PUB MED in the UK that

And yes, thank you for pointing it out to me, because I did not know of
Bush's Executive Order EO 13435 last June when he vetoed the simply worded
congressional bill. Bush changes the wording to Pluripotent Stem Cell Enhancment
from Embryonic Stem Cell Enhancement which basically changes nothing but gives
NIH scientists and some more private research money more leeway to make some
more headway, hurrah, if they can get through all the new patent laws,
government guidelines and red tape eventually. But I think it is still the same
thing, and never was murder at all. We have simply wasted six or seven years
during his two administrations from being able to conduct any promising actual
human stem cell trial treatments on real people.

Which was plenty of time for the rich lawyers to start the new patent wars
on embryonic stem cell lines.

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own good purpose

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