Dear Brett,
Thank you
I have posted the scientific facts about twins, triplets even, up until the
first two weeks post fertilization traditionally called "the moment of
conception" by people of faith before several times here. Along with the profound
scholarly writings of a Catholic professor of Theology and Biology at Holy
Cross College in Worcester, Masschussetts, who personally theologically and
scientifically made this same philosophical point which is where I learned about
the concept of the greater good for humanity, and these early cells
belonging to the one body of people, not as individual people, because they are not
complete or separate, but because they are natural result of the human bond
among people in loving relationships.
embryonic stem cell research for that reason, but those are the Jesuits and
they don't have any visible clout in Rome anymore.
The Holy Cross website was redesigned and his writings were no longer
available .
Do we have any archives here?
I'm just a mildy overweight housewife, and woman of faith and I have read
the science. T
The new key word is "nonviable" embryos now, the fresh ones left over that
are not the right sex or fail to continue to divide properly after the first
100 cells or so in the first few days to a week or are rejected as inferior as
a result of other genetic testing that is done.
Keep your faith, cherish your reason, treasure your mind and hold to your
own good purpose
GBYAY Anne McGinnis Breen
_mailto_ (http://mailto/) Anne91547@aol.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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