Friday, November 9, 2007

[StemCells] Infiltration microglia and neuropathic pain

1. Infiltrating Microglia and Neuropathic Pain

Ji Zhang, Xiang Qun Shi, Stefania Echeverry, Jeffrey S. Mogil, Yves
De Koninck, and Serge Rivest

Microglia are everywhere these days. This week, it's neuropathic pain
and the spinal cord. Zhang et al. report that resident CNS microglia,
as well as those derived from hematogenous macrophages/monocytes that
infiltrate the spinal cord, participate in neuropathic pain. The
authors tested mice after a partial ligation injury of the sciatic
nerve. The authors tracked the two microglia populations using
chimeric mice in which bone marrow stem cells expressing green
fluorescent protein were transplanted into irradiated mice. The
microglial signaling pathway involved chemokine monocyte
chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1; also called CCL2) and its receptor,
CCR2. MCP-1 is not normally present in the nervous system, but it is
induced by injury. The authors report that intrathecal injection of
MCP-1 activated microglia in the spinal cord, whereas a neutralizing
antibody prevented the injury-induced infiltration of bone marrow-
derived microglia. Microglia were not activated in mice lacking CCR2,
and these mice did not show mechanical allodynia.

Contact: Sara Harris
Society for Neuroscience

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