Jefferson researchers find stem cells in degenerating spinal discs,
potential for repair
(PHILADELPHIA) Orthopedic researchers at Jefferson Medical College
have for the first time found stem cells in the intervertebral discs
of the human spine, suggesting that such cells might someday be used
to help repair degenerating discs and remedy lower back and neck
Reporting November 1, 2007 in the journal Spine, a team led by
Makarand Risbud, Ph.D., and Irving Shapiro, Ph.D., at Jefferson
Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, have
found stem cells in both degenerated adult human discs and in discs
of animals.
Many people suffer from lower back pain, and treatment ranges from
painkillers such as acetominophen to medical procedures, such as
fusing vertebrae. The combined annual costs for treatment of back
pain and disc disease is approximately $100 billion a year and a
major cause of lost work in the United States.
According to Dr. Shapiro, as the discs in the spine degenerate, cells
are lost and the ability to produce water-binding molecules called
proteoglycans is decreased. The water absorbs forces on the spine,
essentially serving as shock absorbers. Losing proteoglycans can
result in damage to the disc, and sometimes, pain.
"It would be wonderful if we could get the cells in the
intervertebral disc to regenerate or increase the amount of
proteoglycans that they synthesize," he says. "That way we could
regenerate the shock-absorbing capabilities of the spine."
Dr. Risbud, an assistant professor of Orthopedic Surgery, and Dr.
Shapiro, who is professor of Orthopedic Surgery, both at Jefferson
Medical College, and their co-workers asked if it was possible to
regenerate proteoglycans using adult stem cells. Federal regulations
prevent them from using embryonic stem cells.
Dr. Risbud built the study around the observation that while the
tissue that he could isolate from the disc was no longer binding
water, the tissue still might contain dormant stem cells. He thought
that while these cells were no longer functioning to repair the
damaged disc, under appropriate conditions, they could be activated.
To explore that possibility, he isolated cells from discarded disc
tissue that still had the capacity to proliferate. Dr. Risbud notes
that under certain conditions, the cells could be encouraged to form
bone. In other conditions, the cells would form cartilage or even
fat. The tests proved that these cells were indeed dormant disc stem
cells. "If we are able to stimulate the `silent' cells in the
patient, then it may be possible to repair the ravages of
degenerative disc disease without undergoing invasive surgical
procedures that may limit the motion of the spine," he says.
According to Dr. Risbud, in earlier work, the researchers found that
local conditions in the disc can promote adult stem cells of the bone
marrow to acquire characteristics of disc cells. Within the disc, the
local conditions are unique in that the oxygen levels are low. These
conditions cause the expression of many specialized molecules,
including the water-binding proteoglycans. Some of the researchers'
current experiments focus on the use of adult stem cells to repair
the degenerate intervertebral disc.
Shapiro notes that other researchers have taken bone marrow stem
cells and have made new bone, cartilage and fat tissue. "Our next
step is to activate these disc stem cells and get them to repopulate
the disc and make proteoglycans and restore the water-binding,
The scientists theorize that because the stem cells exist in the
degenerate disk, there may be molecules that are blocking stem cell
activity. "Something is inhibiting the disc repair process," says Dr.
Shapiro. Drs. Shapiro and Risbud agree that "new studies are needed
to discover the nature of such inhibitory molecules" and to find ways
to block their activities, promoting natural healing.
Internationally recognized spine surgeons Todd Albert, M.D.,
professor and chair of Orthopedic Surgery, and Alexander Vaccaro,
M.D., professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Neurological Surgery, both
of Jefferson Medical College and at the Rothman Institute at
Jefferson, were among those who collaborated in the research. The
work was supported by the National Institutes of Health.
Public release date: 1-Nov-2007
Contact: Steve Benowitz
Thomas Jefferson University
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