Thursday, December 6, 2007

[StemCells] qPCR NEWSLETTER – focus on siRNA applications

qPCR NEWSLETTER – focus on siRNA applications

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Dear researcher,
dear Gene Quantification page reader,

Our newsletter informs about the latest news in quantitative real-time
PCR (qPCR and qRT-PCR), which are compiled and summarised on the Gene
Quantification homepage. The focus of this newsletter issue is:

- New papers about siRNA

- Update of the DIRECTORY page

- Update of the WEBINAR page

- qPCR application workshops in 2008


Small interfering RNA (siRNA), sometimes known as short interfering
RNA or silencing RNA, are a class of 20-25 nucleotide-long
double-stranded RNA molecules that play a variety of roles in biology.
Most notably, it is involved in the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway
where the siRNA interferes with the expression of a specific gene. In
addition to their role in the RNAi pathway, siRNAs also act in
RNAi-related pathways, e.g. as an antiviral mechanism or in shaping
the chromatin structure of a genome; the complexity of these pathways
is only now being elucidated. SiRNAs were first discovered by David
Baulcombe's group in Norwich, England, as part of post-transcriptional
gene silencing (PTGS) in plants, and published there findings in
Science in a paper titled "A species of small antisense RNA in
posttranscriptional gene silencing in plants." Shortly thereafter, in
2001, synthetic siRNAs were then shown to be able to induce RNAi in
mammalian cells by Thomas Tuschl and colleagues in a paper, "Duplexes
of 21-nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interference in cultured mammalian
cells." published in Nature and Genes & Development. This discovery
led to a surge in interest in harnessing RNAi for biomedical research
and drug development.

RNAi Nobel Prize Collection

RNAi Nobel Prize - Current Research

Youthful duo snags a swift Nobel for RNA control of genes.
Alison Abbott; Nature 443, 488 (2006)

Functional genomics: Double-stranded RNA poses puzzle.
Richard W. Wagner & Lin Sun; Nature 391, 744-745 (1998)

Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in
Caenorhabditis elegans.
Andrew Fire et al.; Nature 391, 806-811 (1998)


Interesting siRNA papers:

RNA interference: unraveling a mystery.
siRNAdb: a database of siRNA sequences.
Agenome-wide transgenic RNAi library for conditional gene inactivation
in Drosophila.
dsCheck: highly sensitive off-target search software for
double-stranded RNA-mediated RNA interference.
RNAi Codex: a portal/database for short-hairpin RNA (shRNA)
gene-silencing constructs.
A universal RNAi-based logic evaluator that operates in mammalian cells.
A computational study of off-target effects of RNA interference.
Analysis of small RNAs with the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer.
RNA in control.
Introduction of silencing-inducing transgenes does not affect
expression of known transcripts.
PCR-based generation of shRNA libraries from cDNAs.
High-throughput RNAi screening in cultured cells: a user's guide.
RNA interference: PCR strategies for the quantification of stable
degradation-fragments derived from siRNA-targeted mRNAs.
Defining and Assaying RNAi in Mammalian Cells.
Designing siRNA That Distinguish between Genes That Differ by a Single
Regulation of gene expression by small non-coding RNAs: a quantitative
Translational control and target recognition by Escherichia coli small
RNAs in vivo.
RNA interference: from gene silencing to gene-specific therapeutics.
Cell type–specific delivery of siRNAs with aptamersiRNA chimeras.
RNA interference has second helpings.
Stable suppression of gene expression by RNAi in mammalian cells.
Reversible gene knockdown in mice using a tight, inducible shRNA
expression system.




Update of the qPCR Webinar page

A lot of interesting WEBINARs, SLIDE SHOWs, and PODCASTs from various
speakers, biotec companies, qPCR Events, and international journals
(Nature and Science) are FREE for download. Have a look and you will
definitely something interesting for your scientific work !


Upcoming Events World-wide academic and commercial qPCR Events

Symposia, Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Online-Seminars,
qPCR Education Program, ...etc..

Please submit your qPCR event here =>


TATAA Biocenter Germany - qPCR Application workshops

At the TATAA Biocenter Germany we offer qPCR application workshops,
the 3-day Core Module and a 2-day Biostatistics Module. qPCR courses
are held in regularly in Göteborg, Sweden, in English and in
Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, in German and English, and in Prague,
Czech Republic in English and Czech.
Depending on the occasion the workshop language and the different
prices may apply. Further customized workshops and specialized
trainings will be held as well across Europe and world-wide. TATAA
Biocenter Germany courses are held in cooperation with the Institute
of Physiology, located at the Technical University of Munich, in
Freising-Weihenstephan, near Munich, very close to the Munich Airport
(MUC). For more information and to register for the qPCR application
workshops, please see our web page:

Course Occasions 2007 and 2008:
3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.) and 2-day BioStatistics
Module (Thu. - Fri.)

* 3rd - 7th March 2008 (in Freising, Germany, English language)
* 5 - 9th May 2008 (in Freising, Germany, Kurs wird in DEUTSCH
gehalten, German language)
* 7 - 11th July 2008 (in Freising, Germany, English language)

Please register here =>


Forward Please send the qPCR NEWS to further scientists and friends
who are interested in qPCR !

Best regards,

Michael W. Pfaffl
responsible Editor of the Gene Quantification Pages


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The qPCR NEWS and the Gene Quantification Pages are educational sites
with the only purpose of facilitating access to qPCR related
information on the internet. The qPCR NEWS and the Gene
Quantification Pages are edited by Michael W. Pfaffl and powered by
BioScience Events. Copyright © 2005 - 2007 All rights reserved. Any
unauthorized use, reproduction, or transfer of this message or its
contents, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. Disclaimer &
Copyrights are displayed on the homepage
To subscribe or change your e-mail address in qPCR NEWS, and if you
would like to receive future issues FREE of charge, please send an
e-mail with the subject SUBSCRIBE to

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