Here's a picture of Clifford I took the other day. He was running up
to the barn for dinner. Does this look like a horse who has arthritis?
His knee is horrendous. It's big and lumpy and ugly. But with the way
he's been ripping around lately, one would never know there was a
Determined to find out more about stem cell treatments, I asked my
friend Rose to get me a name. Rose works at the small animal blood
bank up at Michigan State University. I finally got a referral to Dr.
Caron today up at MSU and emailed him:
Dear Dr. Caron,
Clifford, my Morgan, has bad arthritis in one knee, and a bone chip.
He's got basically no cartiledge left. He's 17.
I have heard great things about stem cell treatments for just this
type of injury (specifically with a race horse called Be A Bono) and
was wondering if you could tell me anything.
Please feel free to e me back or call. I look forward to hearing from
His response came less than ten minutes later:
Ms. Bailey,
We are not yet using stem cells for this purpose here, although it
would not be that difficult to do so. I suspect that to compare your
horse to Be A Bono might not be completely accurate - arthritis is a
progressive disease and it sounds as if your horse has rather more
severe disease. As such, results might not be all that you might
anticipate. Nonetheless, I would be happy to examine your horse,
discuss his past history and treatment and learn of your aspirations
for him. An appointment can be made with our reception staff.
I immediately called the office and spoke to Carol the receptionist,
who, it turns out, has heard of Clifford. "Clifford of Drummond
Island, right? Aren't there TWO books?" she said.
"YES!" I yelped. I was so excited that someone had actually heard of
the sequel!
"My daughter has them!" she said. "I'm going to have them call me
when Clifford gets here, so I can come down there and meet him!"
So Clifford is going in on Tuesday at 10 am, possibly as a guinea
pig, and our trot down the Stem Cell Trail begins. He's never visited
MSU before. I can hardly wait to see what he thinks about this!
I was warned by my "horsey" friend Chris that MSU is expensive.
(Hello?! I was up there every month two years ago for dog
thinking about veterinarians and drugs and therapy and experimental
treatments, there will be words of caution from friends, not to
mention the vets. It's Dr. Caron's job to be cautious. But he doesn't
know Clifford.
I know this is the right thing to do -- I can feel it. The answers
will come. The money will come. And I will have my horse back.
Posted by Nancy Bailey at March 14, 2008 8:28 a.m.
Categories: books, horse, veterinary medicine
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