Tuesday, March 25, 2008

[StemCells] New Nerve Cells after Brain Injury

New Nerve Cells Originate from Neural Stem Cells After Brain Injury
Mar 15, 2008, 03:52

Researchers at German Research Centre for Environmental Health have
revealed that new nerve cells originate from neural stem cells after
a brain injury.

Glial cells are supporting cells that serve as a framework for nerve
cells and play an important role in the wound reaction that occurs
with injuries to the brain.

Nerve cells are electrically excitable cells in the nervous system
that process and transmit information and are the core components of
the brain and spinal cord.

The study led by Prof. Dr. Magdalena Gotz was conducted using a mouse
model where they demonstrated that after injury, these reactive glial
cells in the brains restart their cell division.

They then become stem cells from which nerve cells can form yet again
under favourable cell culture conditions.

The researchers said that the adult neural stem cells can serve as a
source of new nerve cells.

Earlier studies by Gotz showed that glial brain cells can act as stem
cells, and nerve cells emerge from glial cells.

"Now, thanks to these results, the distant goal of being able to use
the processes therapeutically is getting a little closer," she said.


StemCells subscribers may also be interested in these sites:

Children's Neurobiological Solutions

Cord Blood Registry

The CNS Healing Group
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