Equine Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Isolated; Suitable for Variety of
by: Stacey Oke, DVM, MSc
September 22 2007, Article # 10455
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Stem cells have been successfully isolated from the equine umbilical
cord. Once collected, these cells (referred to as umbilical cord
matrix cells) can then be preserved frozen, cultured, and
differentiated into a host of cell lines, including bone, cartilage,
fat, and those of the nervous system.
Currently, stem cells are obtained from either fat or bone marrow of
adult horses and are employed in equine medicine to treat traumatic
and degenerative diseases such as bowed tendons, ligament injuries,
osteoarthritis, and osteochondral defects (such as osteochondrosis or
bone cysts).
"Studies demonstrate that stem cells help tissues regenerate, rather
than repair by forming scar tissue," reported Linda Black, DVM, PhD,
director of Clinical Development, Vet-Stem, Inc. "Stem cells assist
the healing process by decreasing inflammation, providing growth
support, and by their ability to develop into other cell types."
Stem cells obtained from extraembryonic (birthing) tissues, including
the umbilical cord, have the advantage of being obtained non-
invasively and early in the life of the horse. These cells can then
be banked for future use. Banking equine umbilical cord stem cells
avoids the harvesting and processing time required to isolate stem
cells from adult fat or bone marrow.
"This study is the first to characterize equine umbilical cord matrix
cells and is an important step toward translating this technology
into a therapeutic modality for horses," reported Black.
According to Kathy Mitchell, PhD, Department of Pharmacology and
Toxicology, University of Kansas, equine umbilical cord-derived stem
cells have the potential to be employed to treat a number of diseases
or for tissue engineering purposes.
"Additional studies are underway to fully explore the potential uses
of umbilical cord matrix cells," Mitchell reported.
The study, "Characterization and differentiation of equine umbilical
cord-derived matrix cells" is scheduled to be published in the
October edition of Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications. Contributing researchers were Mitchell, Hoynowski,
MS; Fry; Gardner; Leming; Tucker, DVM, PhD; and Sand, PhD.
StemCells subscribers may also be interested in these sites:
Children's Neurobiological Solutions
Cord Blood Registry
The CNS Healing Group

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