Saturday, September 29, 2007

[StemCells] Fat SCs to bad joints puts dog back on police force

Police dog team takes on arthritis
Stem cell treatment gives Jago the police K9 a second chance on force
By Christina Lent

The Beaverton Valley Times, Sep 27, 2007

Jaime Valdez / Times Newspapers

Jago waits patiently inside the patrol car as his partner Officer Ken
Magnus organizes the trunk before their patrol shift.
Jago is a lucky dog.

Thanks to a new stem cell therapy, the highly trained German Shepherd
was given a second chance to return to Beaverton's police force.

For the past 2½ years, Jago has worked alongside Officer Ken Magnus
as his K-9 partner and backup.

Together the team has captured more than three dozen suspects.

"He's a great partner," Magnus said. "He's saved me a couple times
from a physical fight.

"Just having him there is a huge deterrent. He loves to come to work.
As soon as I pull into the back lot he's whining and wanting to go to

Their time together on the road patrolling Beaverton streets nearly
came to an end earlier this year when Jago (pronounced YA-go)
developed immune-mediated poly arthritis in his joints.

Magnus realized something was wrong with his partner after Jago took
a hard fall Jan. 10 while tracking a home burglary suspect.

Jago leapt over a wall, went down hard and twisted his body. He got
back up and continued the pursuit.

"I noticed he had trouble getting up from a laying down position,"
Magnus recalled. "At first I thought he may just be sore, but within
a week's time it seemed to be getting worse.

"He would rock to the front of his paws, rock himself forward and
push himself up. He got to the point where I had to physically pick
him up off the floor because he couldn't stand up on his own power."

Concerned for his dog's health, Magnus took him to different
veterinarians and learned through testing that Jago had arthritis.

Doctors initially used medications to treat Jago.

"I was told that he may never come back or have to be on medication
for the rest of his life," Magnus said. "They started him with a high
dose which helped the side effects, but when they tried to lower the
dosage, he would get infections and start limping again."

Jago had good days and bad days as doctors attempted different

"When he was feeling OK, I would bring him to work and use him for
certain tasks," Magnus said. "He was off and on the street the whole
time he was undergoing treatment, but there was a lot of stuff we
didn't do."

Patrol dogs on Beaverton's K-9 Unit are trained to track and
apprehend suspects that flee, trained in handler protection and in
locating evidence.

"We invest a lot of time and training in these dogs because they are
one of our greatest tools in law enforcement," said Beaverton Police
Chief David Bishop. "Their success in tracking and locating evidence
is incredible."

Jago's condition made it difficult for him to perform long tracks and
other tasks expected of him as a police dog.

"The thought of having to retire him killed me," Magnus said. "I
forged a bond and partnership with my dog that took time. He had to
learn to trust me and I had to learn how to read him. I didn't want
to give up on that."

Police department leaders were also not ready to give up on Jago and
looked for a clinic that specialized in caring for working dogs.

They found an ideal team with Dr. Cindy Zikes at the Surgical Medical
Specialty Clinic for Animals in Beaverton.

"Jago didn't tolerate medications well so we decided to wean him off
of them and suggested a stem cell therapy," Zikes said.

The treatment involved harvesting regenerative adult stem cells from
the fat in Jago's groin area, sending them to a lab to be processed
and then injecting them back into his problematic joints.

"The therapy is very new for dogs, but it's been very successful in
treating horses that have been injured," Zikes said.

" This was Jago's last chance," Magnus said.

Sgt. Robert Davis was encouraged when the city agreed to invest in
Jago's treatment.

"I was impressed that the city would go out on a limb on a cutting
edge, experimental procedure," Davis said. "All our fingers are
crossed with this last procedure.

"We knew it was a make it or break it deal."

Subtle changes
Jago underwent treatment in July and the results impressed everyone.

"He improved dramatically," Zikes said. "He's a gorgeous dog.

"Looking at him now, you'd never know that he had to have this
treatment. The potential of this stem cell therapy is really

Within 12 days, Jago was back on patrol and showing signs of huge

"It was amazing," Magnus said. "I feel like I got my dog back.

"His energy and personality returned. He regained his playfulness. He
started to jump up on me again and run around on the grass. Things I
almost forgot that he would do."

Zikes is continuing to keep an eye on Jago's progress.

She's considering a second injection to help with lingering

"Jago is doing pretty well overall," Zikes said following a recent
checkup. "Ken has noticed some real, subtle changes that we are
keeping an eye on, but we're hopeful."

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Children's Neurobiological Solutions

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