An Oxygen Sandwich Helps Pancreatic Stem Cells Become Beta Cells
Linda von Wartburg
27 September 2007
Despite their best efforts, researchers have been having a hard time
getting pancreatic stem cells to grow up into beta cells that can be
used for transplantation.
Apparently, part of the problem has been that the stem cells, sitting
in their suffocating little Petri dishes, haven't been getting the
oxygen bath that they need to develop into beta cells.
So researchers from the Diabetes Research Institute, at the
University of Miami, created a way to sandwich the stem cells between
two oxygen sources: a top one that diffuses air through the culture
medium, and a bottom one that diffuses air through a silicon membrane
mixed with perfluorocarbon, a rich oxygen reservoir.
Hitting the stem cells from both sides with oxygen proved very
effective, at least with mouse pancreatic stem cells: They morphed
into beta cells at a great rate, producing thirty times as much
insulin as the cultures raised without the nourishing sandwich.
Because the sandwich more closely mimics the physiological conditions
under which stem cells mature in the body, the researchers believe it
will be of use to scientists no matter what kind of stem cells
they're trying to raise up.
Source: Diabetes Research Institute Foundation
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