Thursday, September 27, 2007

[StemCells] Marrow for Spinal Injuries

Transplants Using Adult Bone Marrow Stem Cells Restore Functions For
Spinal Cord Injury Patients
Main Category: Neurology / Neuroscience News
Article Date: 26 Sep 2007 - 14:00 PDT

PrimeCell™ Therapeutics LLC announced that it provided research
support and pre-clinical studies for a clinical trial that involved
the implantation of autologous adult bone marrow stem cells into
spinal cord injury (SCI) patients - resulting in some restored
function for patients who have been paralyzed for an average of four
years, some up to 22 years.

Dr. Luis Geffner presented a preliminary report on September 17 at
the 2007 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting in San
Diego. From May 2006 to August 2007, 38 patients with SCI were
treated at Luis Vernaza Hospital in Guayaquil, Ecuador. They were
treated with autologous bone marrow stem cells - meaning the cells
were extracted from the patients' own bone marrow, taken from the hip
bone (iliac crests).

Of the 25 patients who provided more than three months and up to 14
months follow up: 15 gained the ability to stand up, 10 could walk on
the parallels with braces, seven could walk without braces and five
could walk with crutches. Three patients recovered full bladder
control, and 10 patients regained some form of sexual function. No
adverse events or abnormal reactions to implantation were observed.

"Ongoing studies will help us clarify the benefits and any possible
detriments to this approach, but so far this study demonstrates that
bone marrow stem cells are safe for spinal cord injury patients,"
said Geffner, Director of the Stem Cells program at the Junta de
Beneficencia de Guayaquil. He emphasized that this work was done with
the help and support of Junta de Beneficencia, Benemerita Sociedad de
Lucha Contra el Cancer (SOLCA), and with the research support and pre-
clinical studies performed by PrimeCell Therapeutics, based in
Irvine, Calif.

"By implanting an adult's own bone marrow stem cells, we've seen
significant improvements in the quality of life for those who suffer
from spinal cord injuries. In addition, we are learning valuable
information that will eventually help us apply other adult cells for
spinal cord injury such as reprogrammed adult germ cells," said
Francisco Silva, executive vice president of research and development
for PrimeCell Therapeutics. "We're encouraged by the results. This
approach may be useful for patients who cannot be treated by
conventional medicine."

More information on the study is available upon request, including
video of some patients who underwent treatment.

About PrimeCell™ Therapeutics LLC

PrimeCell™ Therapeutics LLC, a PrimeGen Biotech company, is devoted
exclusively to germ line stem cell reprogramming. Its next generation
stem cell - PrimeCell™ - is an adult stem cell derived from the germ
line and reprogrammed to exhibit pluripotency. Its innovative science
and unique approach qualify PrimeCell Therapeutics as one of the
preeminent biotechnology firms within the emerging field of
regenerative medicine.

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Children's Neurobiological Solutions

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