Hi friends,
My self Nehal M Patel, student of M.Sc Biotechnology Semester-1, From Department of Biotechnology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Here I have important data for you that weather you are students like me, professor of any collages, or any related person to the bio-science it is very useful to you so much.
After lots of research I found above good or you can say better web-site for all. Please see and reply me on my email ids
1. http://thebiopower.
2. www.kbiotech.
3. http://medicalheava
4. http://www.biozone. co.uk/OTHER_ ONLINE_RESOURCES .html This site gives you notes on all the topics in Biology- very informative and helpful site
5. http://www.life.
6. http://www.vigyaanc
7. http://www.preterhu
8. http://wikipedia.
9. http://www.openwetw
10. http://admissionnew
11. http://employmentne
12. http://www.cbclickb
13. http://mamb.
Here I am not going to advertise any particular web-site. I just want to inform you these web-sites
I just want that if you have such an important data then please be sharing with me. Is might be usefully to everyone.
Please be in touch & keep sharing information.
Give me reply on
nEhAl M pAtEl
M.Sc. Biotechnology Semester 1
Department of Biotechnology
Kadi Sarva Vishwa Vidhayalaya,
Sec 23, Gandhinagar,
Gujarat, India.
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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