Tuesday, February 5, 2008

[StemCells] 3-parent embryos from ... severely deformed embryos

Three-parent embryo formed in lab

The scientists have created the embryo in the lab
Scientists believe they have made a breakthrough in IVF treatment by
creating a human embryo with three separate parents.
The Newcastle University team believe the technique could help to
eradicate a whole class of hereditary diseases, including some forms
of epilepsy.

The embryos have been created using DNA from a man and two women in
lab tests.

It could ensure women with genetic defects do not pass the diseases
on to their children.

It is human beings they are experimenting with

Josephine Quintavalle
Comment on Reproductive Ethics

The technique is intended to help women with diseases of the
mitochondria - mini-organs that are found within individual cells.

They are sometimes described as "cellular power plants" because they
generate most of the cell's energy.

Faults in the mitochondrial DNA can cause around 50 known diseases
some which lead to disability and death.

About one in every 6,500 people is affected by such conditions, which
include fatal liver failure, stroke-like episodes, blindness,
muscular dystrophy, diabetes and deafness.

At present, no treatment for mitochondrial diseases exists.

Genetic transplant

The Newcastle team have effectively given the embryos a mitochondria

We believe we could develop this technique and offer treatment in
the forseeable future that will give families some hope of avoiding
passing these diseases to their children

Professor Patrick Chinnery
University of Newcastle

They experimented on 10 severely abnormal embryos left over from
traditional fertility treatment.

Within hours of their creation, the nucleus, containing DNA from the
mother and father, was removed from the embryo, and implanted into a
donor egg whose DNA had been largely removed.

The only genetic information remaining from the donor egg was the
tiny bit that controls production of mitochondria - around 16,000 of
the 3billion component parts that make up the human genome.

The embryos then began to develop normally, but were destroyed with
six days.


Experiments using mice have shown that the offspring with the new
mitochondria carry no information that defines any human attributes.

So while any baby born through this method would have genetic
elements from three people, the nuclear DNA that influences
appearance and other characteristics would not come from the woman
providing the donor egg.

However, the team only have permission to carry out the lab
experiments and as yet this would not be allowed to be offered as a

Professor Patrick Chinnery, a member of the Newcastle team, said: "We
believe that from this work, and work we have done on other animals
that in principle we could develop this technique and offer treatment
in the forseeable future that will give families some hope of
avoiding passing these diseases to their children."

Dr Marita Pohlschmidt, of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, which has
funded the Newcastle research, was confident it would lead to a badly
needed breakthrough in treatment.

"Mitochondrial myopathies are a group of complex and severe
diseases," she said.

"This can make it very difficult for clinicians to provide genetic
counselling and give patients an accurate prognosis."

However, but the Newcastle work has attracted opposition.

Josephine Quintavalle, of the pro-life group Comment on Reproductive
Ethics, said it was "risky, dangerous" and a step towards "designer

"It is human beings they are experimenting with," she said.

"We should not be messing around with the building blocks of life."

Mrs Quintavalle said embryo research in the US using DNA from one man
and two women was discontinued because of the "huge abnormalities" in
some cases.


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Children's Neurobiological Solutions

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