Try Dr.Joanne Kurtzberg @ Duke. She did Ms. Schneider's transplant.
Recommend also doing the following searches ...
"cord blood" "stem cells" "*whatever condition your child has* and
contact the researchers doing that exact work. (Search their name
and and the hospital/university at which the article will state they
(don't use " ", separate with commas "stem cells, *condition*"
Also, contact Mr. Stephen Sprague @ New York Blood Center's National
Cord Blood Program (He may be reading this, as he belongs to the
group... ) http://www.national
And just the Cord Blood Registry. http://www.cordbloo
But, yes, the dirty little secret about storing cord blood is it's
hard to find someone to actually do something with it. (As. Mary
Schneider said, "You can get donated blood products from a stranger
anytime for surgery or trauma." "But no one would give my son his own
cord blood!!" )
Good Luck!
StemCells subscribers may also be interested in these sites:
Children's Neurobiological Solutions
Cord Blood Registry
The CNS Healing Group

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