First point to be noted: I work for Beike Biotech which is a stem
cell provider based in China. I wanted to get that right out there
in the interest of full disclosure, so that you know who I am and can
take all of what I say with the grain of salt that comes along with
that fact.
I have to say I really enjoyed this post and was cheering as I read
it!! I have worked and/or been involved in the stem cell field for a
few years now and I have been giving warnings to people for along time
about some, although not all, of the clinics and doctors you mention
below. So a high five to you for your clear warning.
As I read I was waiting for China to pop up on your list and I must
say I was surprised when you opted for China above the others but
glad to hear it. One word of warning however even within China there
are doctors and hospitals to avoid.
To ensure that you are being dealt with by medical professionals
working under China's governmental policies I advise contacting Stem
Cells China as they keep track of what doctors, clinics and hospitals
are "safe". They along with Beike Biotech have an excellent
reputation within china. Beike does do research and development,
safety trails and clinical trails on thier products.
I would value the opportunity to talk with you further about our work
but feel it is not appropriate for me to do so on line as I do not
want to be seen as promoting myself or Beike. Please feel free to
contact me anytime; I also live in the USA.
As to the treatment of Autism you are absolutely correct in that there
is no evidence in the strictest sense of the word that stem cells will
effect such a disorder in a positive way. What we do have to go on
are the reports from parents. I recently looked back over the Autism
cases we at Beike have treated in the year 2007 and found that
according to in house pre and post treatment evaluations of our cases
7 out of 10 of the children we treated with spectrum
disorders have show positive improvements prior to discharge. Flow up
with the families has yielded an even higher post treatment
improvement rate of 9 out of 10.
Not perfect and certainly not concrete evidence by any means but it
is at least a place to start. I think given these numbers it is
clear that this is an area of treatment that deserves further
exploration by those of us working in this field. I am running
several case studies right now and unfortunately Autism is not one of
them but it is certainly floating around in my head as a possibility
as I do feel there is an indication to pursue further and more
detailed documentation of results.
Again thanks for posting your warning.
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