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Unite For Sight Fifth Annual International Health & Development Conference
Building Global Health For Today and Tomorrow
April 12-13, 2008
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Register Today at http://www.unitefor
Join 2,000 conference attendees and 180 speakers for a stimulating international conference.
Unite for Sight: A Nonprofit Organization Featured Weekly on CNN International
Keynote Addresses By: Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Dr. Sonia Sachs, Dr. Susan Blumenthal, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, and Dr. Allan Rosenfield
Plus More Than 180 Featured Speakers
Register For Conference - EARLY BIRD RATE ( $75 students, $100 all others) Register at http://www.unitefor
Who should attend? Anyone interested in international health, public health, international development, medicine, nonprofits, eye care, philanthropy, microfinance, social entrepreneurship, bioethics, economics, anthropology, health policy, advocacy, environmental health, service-learning, medical education, and public service.
Keynote Addresses
"Global Health: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century," Susan Blumenthal, MD, MPA, Former US Assistant Surgeon General; Senior Advisor For Health and Medicine; Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women's Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown School of Medicine and Tufts University Medical Center
"Bridging the Implementation Gap in Global Health," Jim Yong Kim, MD, PhD,Co-Founder, Partners in Health; Director, Francois Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights; Francois Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health; Chair, Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chief of the Division of Social Medicine and Health Inequalities, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Former HIV/AIDS Director at World Health Organization
"Issues in Global Women's Health," Allan Rosenfield, MD, Dean, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
"Common Wealth: Economics For A Crowded Planet," Jeffrey Sachs, PhD, Director of Earth Institute at Columbia University; Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, Professor of Health Policy and Management, Columbia University; Special Advisor to Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon
"Millennium Village Project", Sonia Ehrlich Sachs,, MD, MPH, Health Coordinator, Millennium Villages
Plus 180+ Speakers. Full List and Conference Schedule at <http://www.unitefor
Conference Schedule
Day 1: Saturday, April 12, 2008
Keynote Address by Dr. Susan Blumenthal
"Global Health: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century", Susan Blumenthal, MD, MPA, Former US Assistant Surgeon General, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown School of Medicine and Tufts University Medical Center; Senior Medical Advisor, amfAR (The Foundation for AIDS Research
Keynote Address By Dr. Allan Rosenfield
"Issues in Global Women's Health", Allan Rosenfield, MD, Dean, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
Keynote Address By Dr. Jim Yong Kim
"Bridging the Implementation Gap in Global Health", Jim Yong Kim, MD, PhD, Co-Founder, Partners in Health; Director, Francois Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights; Francois Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health; Chair, Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chief of the Division of Social Medicine and Health Inequalities, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Former HIV/AIDS Director at World Health Organization
Plenary Panel - Building Capacity With Community Health Outreach Workers
Jim Yong Kim, MD, PhD, Co-Founder, Partners in Health; Director, François Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights; François Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health; Chair, Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chief of the Division of Social Medicine and Health Inequalities, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Former HIV/AIDS Director at World Health Organization
James Clarke, MD, Ophthalmologist and Medical Director, Crystal Eye Clinic, Ghana
Margaret Duah-Mensah, RN, ON, Ophthalmic Nurse, Crystal Eye Clinic, Ghana
Eva Harris, PhD, Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley; President, Sustainable Sciences Institute
Harshad Sanghvi, MD, Medical Director, JHPIEGO, Johns Hopkins University
01:00pm-02:30pm: Concurrent Sessions
Infectious Disease, Prevention, and Community Strategies
"Clowns Without Borders Project Njabulo - Developing Local Capacity for Play and Emotional Relief for Children and Caregivers affected by HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa", Jamie Lachman, Clowns Without Borders
"Humanitarian Health and HIV/AIDS Crisis and Care Inside Dominican Republic's Migrant Sugar Cane Plantations Bateyes", Ulrick Gaillard, JD, Founder and Executive Director, The Batey Relief Alliance
"Using National and International Advocacy and Media to Advance Social Change in HIV-Prevention"
"Cytokine Mimicry and Immune Evasion by Leishmania", Richard Bucala, MD, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine
The Environment and Global Health
"Scaling Up Provision of Safe Drinking Water in the Developing World", Greg Allgood, PhD, Director, Children's Safe Drinking Water, Procter & Gamble
"Can Market-Based Approaches Arrest The Killer In The Kitchen? The Promises and Pitfalls of Commercializing Improved Cookstoves", Robert Bailis, PhD, Assistant Professor, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
"Poisons in the Well: Exposure, Consequences and Remediation of Arsenic and Manganese in Bangladesh", Joe Graziano, PhD, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and Pharmacology; Associate Dean for Research, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
"A Need to Incorporate Sound Waste Management Practices for Improving Environmental Performance, Public Health Safety and Delivery of Quality Healthcare by Clinical Laboratories in India - A Case Study", Reema Banerjee, MSc, PG Diploma in Hospital Management, Centre for Environment Education, India
"Title To Be Announced", Kuldev Singh, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Stanford University
"Title To Be Announced", Susan Day, MD, Chair and Program Director, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, California Pacific Medical Center
"Tackling The African Glaucoma Challenges: Experiences From The Bawku Eye Care Program", Michael Gyasi., MD, Ophthalmologist and Director of the Bawku Eye Care Program, Ghana
"The Challenges of Glaucoma Care in West Africa", Leon Herndon, MD, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Duke University Eye Center
Perspectives on Nutrition and Malnutrition
"Addressing Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies is a Key Building Block to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals: A Summary of Progress and Prospects", M.G. Venkatesh Mannar, President, The Micronutrient Initiative
"Refocusing Malnutrition Interventions in Rural Haiti: A Strategic Evolution", Adeline Azrack, Director of Monitoring and Evaluation, Hopital Albert Schweitzer
"Nutritional Management of Cataracts", Heskel M. Haddad, MD, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, New York Medical College
"Natural Therapies for Eye Health", Rob Abel, MD, Delaware Ophthalmology Consultants
Children's Health
"Orphan Life Abroad: How Children Live Without Parental Care", Jane Aronson, MD, Director, International Pediatric Health Services; Founder and Executive Medical Director, Worldwide Orphans Foundation (WWO); Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
"Exclusive Breastfeeding in Ethiopia: Barriers, Beliefs and Behavioral Outcomes", Julia Dickinson, RN, Yale University School of Nursing
"Childhood Obesity Prevention in the Western Cape Region of South Africa", William D. Evans, PhD, Vice President, Research Triangle Institute
"Blind Leading The Blind", Philemon Yugi, MPH, Director for Health, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
Humanitarian and Health Needs
"Children's Health is Global Wealth", Padmini Murthy, MD, MPH, MS, Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Science and Community Health, Program Director Global Health, New York Medical College School of Public Health; NGO Representative of Medical Women International Assocaition to the United Nations
"Violence Against Disabled Children: A Global Concern", Nora Groce, PhD, Associate Professor and Director, Yale/WHO Collaborating Centre, Global Health Division, Yale School of Public Health
"Title To Be Announced", Sheri Fink, MD, PhD, Kaiser Media Fellow; Visiting Scientist, Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health; Senior Fellow, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
"Examining the Prevalence and Detriments of Couching in Ghana: The First Documented Cataract Surgery Technique Continues in Northern Ghana", Seth Wanye., MD, Ophthalmologist, Eye Clinic of Tamale Teaching Hospital, Ghana
Eye Care and Vision2020
"Update on IAPB and VISION 2020: The Right to Sight", Louis Pizzarello, MD, MPH, Secretary General, International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
"Trachoma & Neglected Tropical Diseases: A Way For The Future", Ibrahim Jabr, President, International Trachoma Initiative
"Two Years of Working With Unite For Sight Volunteers, Experiences"
"Operation Miracle", Peter Bourne, MA, MD, Visiting Scholar, Oxford University; Vice Chancellor Emeritus, St. George's University; Formerly Special Assistant to the President of the United States for Health Issues; Chair, Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC)
Philosophies of Health Care
"Health Diplomacy", Kaveh Khoshnood, PhD, Assistant Professor in Public Health Practice, Division of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health
"Measuring Impacts", Dean Karlan, PhD, President and Founder of Innovations for Poverty Action; Assistant Professor of Economics, Yale University
"Philosophies of Care - Transforming Communities Through Empowerment"
"Doctors..and Africa", Ted M. Alemayhu, Founder, Chairman and CEO, US Doctors For Africa
Global Health Training For Undergraduates, Medical Students, and Residents
"A Non-Traditional Approach to Global Health Training: The Penn Program", Neal Nathanson, MD, Associate Dean, Global Health Programs, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
"Residency Based Fellowships in Global and Underserved Health - Who Are the Stakeholders?
"The Role of Volunteers in Tamale: Providing Assistance To The Only Ophthalmologist Serving 2 Million People", Seth Wanye, MD, Ophthalmologist, Eye Clinic of Tamale Teaching Hospital, Ghana
"Volunteering in Tamale, Ghana", Ruru Wang, BA Candidate, Mount Holyoke College; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Tamale, Ghana
"Volunteering in Tamale, Ghana", Vanessa Hux, BS Candidate, Yale University; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Tamale, Ghana
"Volunteering in Tamale, Ghana", Sarah Isbey, BA Candidate, Dartmouth College; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Tamale, Ghana
Innovative Strategies to Improve Health in the Developing World
"Heart Disease as a Global Chronic Problem - A Challenge For The UN Millennium Initiative", Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, Director, The Zena and Michael A. Wiener Cardiovascular Institute; Director, The Marie-Josee and Henry R. Kravis Center for Cardiovascuclar Health; Richard Gorlin, MD/Heart Research Foundation Professor, Mount Sinai; Past-President, American Heart Association; Past President, World Heart Federation
"Raising Malawi", Philippe van den Bossche, Executive Director, Raising Malawi
"Global Grid Computing Initiative to Discover Dengue Antivirals", Stan Watowich, Associate Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch
"Keeping the Cost of Community Cataract Surgery as Low as Possible", Satyajit Sinha, MBBS, Ophthalmologist, AB Eye Institute, Patna, India
02:35pm-04:05pm: Concurrent Sessions
Humanitarian Emergencies
"Addressing Serious Mental Disorders in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies"
"Disabilities Among Refugee and Conflict-Affected Populations-
"What Happens When Child Soldiers Grow-up? Mozambique Life Outcome Study", Neil Boothby, EdD, Professor of Clinical Population and Family Health; Director, Program on Forced Migration and Health, Mailman School of Public Health
"Successful Strategies For Delivering Eye Care at a Refugee Camp", Margaret Duah-Mensah, RN, ON, Ophthalmic Nurse, Crystal Eye Clinic, Ghana
Examining Women's Health
"Women's Global Health and Human Rights", Mini Murthy, MD, MPH, MS, Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Science and Community Health, Program Director Global Health, New York Medical College School of Public Health
"Increasing Income, Confidence and Business Growth for Low-Income Women", Fiona Macaulay, President, Making Cents International
"Infertility in Developing Countries: Scope, Psychosocial Burden and Need for Action", Anke Hemmerling, MD, PhD, MPH, UCSF Women's Global Health Imperative
"Understanding the Relationship between Women's Participation and Community Health in Uttar Pradesh, India", Jennifer Ruger, PhD, MSc, Assistant Professor, Division of Global Health, Yale School of Public Health; Co-Director of the Yale/World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion, Policy and Research; Interdisciplinary Research Methods Core Investigator, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS
HIV/AIDS Crisis and Care
"Is China's economic boom delivering public health along with prosperity? A close look at AIDS", Ken Legins, Chief, HIV/AIDS Programme, UNICEF Office for China, Beijing
"Promoting HIV/AIDS Education Despite Social and Cultural Barriers", Piya Sorcar, MA, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
"Male Circumcision for HIV Prevenion: Cutting Edge Opportunities in Global Health Collaborations"
"A Sustainable Approach to Nutrition for People Living with HIV/AIDS in Rwanda", Emily Morell, BA Candidate, Yale University
Perspectives on Glaucoma and Retinal Diseases
"Glaucoma Neuroprotection 2008: New Therapies on the Horizon", James C. Tsai, MD, Robert R. Young Professor and Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Yale University School of Medicine; Chief of Ophthalmology, Yale-New Haven Hospital
"Glaucoma Screening in Connecticut"
"Pediatric Glaucoma", Sarwat Salim, MD, Ophthalmologist
"Management of Age-Related Macular Degeneration"
Atrocities, Refugees, and Vulnerable Persons: Perspectives on Entrepreneurship, Health Care, and Education
"Atrocities and Social Entrepreneurship"
"Transcending Trauma & Relentless Compassion: Indicators of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) in Peer Support Counselors in Liberia - How They Help and What They Carry", Gwen Vogel, PsyD, Director of Field Operations, SalusWorld
"Educational Entrepreneurship: Linking Schools Continents Apart", Karen King, MA, Elementary School Teacher, Reed Intermediate School; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Accra, Ghana
"HIV/AIDS, Orphans and other Vulnerable Children: The Crisis, Consequences, and Responses", Andrew Klaber, Founder, Orphans Against AIDS
Medical Care in the Developing World
"Filling the Gap: A Model For Surgical Capacity Building In Rural China", Scott Corlew, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer, Interplast
"Surgical Care in Angola: Perspectives From Two Hospitals", Robert Riviello, MD, MPH, Associate Surgeon, Instructor in Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital
"Key Components for the Development of an Emergency Healthcare System: The Ethiopian Experience", Tenagne Haile-Mariam, MD, Assistant Professor, The George Washington University Medical School
"Self Sustainability - The Mantra For Manging Avoidable Blindness", V. Panneer Selvam, MS, DO, MPhil, Arasan Eye Hospital, India
Eye Care in the Developing World
"Trachoma in Northern Ghana: Same Factors, Different Patterns", Michael Gyasi, MD, Ophthalmologist and Director of the Bawku Eye Care Program, Ghana
"Cataract Blindness in Developing Countries and SEE International"
"Community Eye Care in India", Umang Mathur, MS, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Associate Director and Head of Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital, India
"Title To Be Announced", David Friedman, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and International Health, Johns Hopkins University
"Public Health Strategies for Effective Medical Missions Overseas", Derek Mladenovich, OD, FAAO, MPH Candidate, Fellow, World Council of Optometry; External Examiner, International Rescue Committee, Thailand
Volunteering Abroad
"Akwaaba! Volunteer Ophthalmology in Breman Asikuma, Ghana", Steven Hudson, MD, JD, MPA, Ophthalmologist, Unite For Sight Volunteer in Breman Asikuma, Ghana
"A Memorable Experience: Volunteering in Chennai, India", Abrahim Bagheri, BS Candidate, Loyola Marymount University; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Chennai, India
"Perspectives on Volunteering in Chennai, India", Chiwing Jessica Qu, BA Candidate, Yale University; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Chennai, India
"Title To Be Announced", Anna Cooper, MPH, MD Candidate, University of Rochester School of Medicine; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Bihar, India
"From Cataract Camps to Quality Assurance: A month at Dr. Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital", Anthony Farah, MD Candidate, Jefferson Medical College; Unite For Sight Volunteer in New Delhi, India
"An Eye-Opener in India: Volunteering to Elminate Preventable Blindness", Hibah Ayaz, BA Candidate, Union College; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Chennai, India
"Perspectives of a Medical Student on Volunteering in Chennai, India", Pradeep Mettu, MD Candidate, University of Kentucky School of Medicine
"Volunteering in Asikuma Breman, Ghana", Samantha Diamond, BA Candidate, Yale University; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Tamale, Ghana
Panel: University Partnerships and International Health
"Youth Engagement in Development Stategies: through the lens of Global Youth Service Day", Silvia Golombek, Senior Vice President, Youth Service America
"Introducing Students to Global Health", Sarabeth Gottlieb, CNM, MS, Lecturer, Yale University School of Nursing
"Break the Cycle of Disadvantage and Disability", Leslie Rubin, MD, Visiting Scholar, Department of Pediatrics, Morehouse School of Medicine; Founder and President, Institute for the Study of Disadvantage and Disability; Co-Director, Southeast Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, Emory University
"Collaborating to Create the Future of Family Medicine: A Japanese-American Exchange", Jennifer Vines, MD, MPH, Oregon Health and Science University
"International Educational Exchanges: Challenges and Opportunities"
"International Nurse Education: Simulation Plays A Part in Global Standards of Practice", Ann Campbell, RN, MSN, CPNP, Old Dominion University/Operatio
"Shoulder to Shoulder Ecuador: A University-Communit
"Towards an African Renaissance: Offering a Master's Degree to Nursing Students in Angola: a Distance Education Experience", Juanita Tjallinks, RN, MCur, in Health Studies, Midwife, Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa
Panel: Global Health and the Internet
"Global Health and the Internet: A Panel", Suzanne Rainey, Forum One Communications
"Global Health and the Internet: A Panel", Clark Freifeld,
"Global Health and the Internet: A Panel", Kurt Voelker, Forum One Communications
"Global Health and the Internet: A Panel", Patricia Abbott, RN, PhD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and School of Nursing
04:10pm-05:00pm: Concurrent Sessions
Cultural Presentation: Kongo - The Ultimate Black Civilization
"Kongo: The Ultimate Black Civilization"
04:10pm-05:40pm: Concurrent Sessions
International Health By The People, For The People
"Science, Technology, and Innovation in Developing Countries: By The People, For The People", Eva Harris, PhD, Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley; President, Sustainable Sciences Institute
"Unite For Sight To The Rescue: An Example Worth Emulating", James Clarke, MD, Ophthalmologist and Medical Director, Crystal Eye Clinic, Ghana
"Civil Society: Mobilizing Community Health Workers for Malaria Control", Anne Martin-Staple, PhD, Research Scholar, Duke University
"Satisfying Transportation Needs in Rural Africa With Sustainable Local Solutions: The Bamboo Bicycle", John Mutter, PhD, MSc, Deputy Director and Associate Vice Provost, The Earth Institute at Columbia; Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University; Professor, International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Bamboo Bike Project
A Call To Action To Improve Health
"Global Health Inequality: A Call to Understanding and Action", Edward ONeil Jr, MD, Founder, Omni Med; Author, Awakening Hippocrates: Primer on Health, Poverty, and Global Service, and A Practical Guide to Global Health Service
"The Highest Attainable Standard: The Implications of an Evolving Human Right to Health for Public Health and Global Health Systems", Benjamin Mason Meier, JD, LLM, MPhil; IGERT-International Development and Globalization Fellow, Columbia University
"Engaging the Public: Improving Our Health", Georges Benjamin, MD, Executive Director, American Public Health Association
"Health For All Now", Elvira Beracochea, MD, MPH, Founder, President and CEO, MIDEGO
University Collaboration in Global Infectious Diseases Research
"Reduced Efficacy of Benzimidazole Anthelminthics in Kintampo, Ghana", Michael Cappello, MD, Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology and Public Health; Director, Program in International Child Health; Co-Director, International Adoption Clinic, Yale University School of Medicine
"Preventing Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in Resource-limited Settings through Research Capacity Building", Elijah Paintsil, MD, Associate Research Scientist, Department of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine
"Tuberculosis and HIV Research at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital", Awewura Kwara, MD, Brown University
"Title To Be Announced", Michael Wilson, MD, Parasitology Unit, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
Glaucoma and Cornea Transplants in the Developing World
"People, Places, and Genes: How World Populations Are Helping Us Find The Cause of Glaucoma.", R. Rand Allingham, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology; Director, Glaucoma Service, Duke University Eye Center
"Tema Eye Survey", Donald Budenz, MD, MPH, Professor of Ophthalmology, Epidemiology, and Public Health, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
"Estimating The Impact of a Safe, Effective, and Easily-Inserted Drainage Device for the Treatment of Glaucoma in the Developed and Developing World", Roger Goldberg, MD, MBA Candidate, Yale University School of Medicine
"Keratoprosthesis in the Developing World", Jared Ament, MD, MPh, Clinical Research Fellow, Ophthalmlology & Corneal Surgery, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School; Harvard School of Public Health
Community Health Models
"The Honduras Slow Sand Filter Project", Vidush Philip Athyal, MD, MPH, Fellow/Clinical Instructor, University of Rochester Medical Center
"Delivering on the MDGs: Equity and Maternal Health", Emma Sachs, Health Equity Team, Earth Institute, Columbia University
"Lok Swasthya Sewa, a Model Health Cooperative in Ahmedabad, India", Chirag Shah, MD, Chief Resident, Wills Eye Hospital
"Health and Education at Grace Children's Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti", Jeannine Hatt, MD, Past-President, International Child Care USA; Board of Directors and Chair, International Child Care's Medical Resource Development Clinic
Orphans and Children
"Orphans and Vulnerable Children in the Urban Slums of Africa", John Bryant, PhD, Professor, Johns Hopkins University
"A Pilot Therapeutic Feeding Program for Malnourished Orphans in Ukraine", Jonathan M. Spector, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, UMass Memorial Children's Medical Center
"Advancing Educational Opportunities for Children who are Blind with Additional Impairments"
"Childhood Blindness And Its Prevention", Kartee Karloweah, ON, RN, Ophthalmic Nurse, Unite For Sight-Ghana
Panel: Examining Strategies in Community Health
"Oral Health: Essential Element in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals", Habib Benzian, , MSc, Director Public Health & Development, FDI World Dental Federation, France
"Community Health Improvement in a Nomadic Village on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau", Nancy Chin, MPH, PhD, MA, Assistant Professor, Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, University of Rochester
"Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Improve Health and Social Services in Vietnam", Lan Gien, BSc, MEd, PhD, Professor of Nursing, Memorial University of Newfoundland
"HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Assessment of Health Care Providers in Dominian Republic, India and others", Ellen Palmer, RN, PhD, Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing
"Home Visit Project of Blind Babies Foundation and Perspektiva of the Volga Region in Russia", Julie Bernas-Pierce, MEd, Executive Director, Blind Babies Foundation
"Implementation of a Comprehensive Community-Based Tuberculosis Control Program in Eastern Burma's Chronic Conflict Zone", Allison Richard, MD, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine; Associate Director of the Division of International Medicine, University of Southern California and Global Health Access Program
"Increasing Access to and Use of Skilled Maternal and Newborn Care in Dumka District of India", Juliet MacDowell, MA, Senior Program Manager, JHPIEGO
"Protecting Border Security and Health: Effective Strategies for Monitoring and Treating Malaria among Burma's IDPs", Emily Whichard, Program Director, Global Health Access Program
Health Care in Latin America
"A Binational Stanford - Mexico Health Advocacy Program - Partners to Address Immigrant Health", Gabriel Garcia, MD, Professor of Medicine, Associate Dean of Medical School Admissions, Stanford University School of Medicine
"An Extremely Affordable Device To Improve Asthma Care", Eric Green, PhD, MD Candidate, Stanford University School of Medicine
"Ethical Dilemmas in International Medicine: Cases from the Honduran Health Alliance", Bonzo Reddick, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
"Utilization of PDA's by Community Health Workers for Field Collection of Malaria Statistics in Rural Haiti", Nick Mann, BA Candidate, Truman State University
College and Medical Student Perspectives on Volunteering Abroad
"Bihar Summer Volunteer: Perspiration, Inspiration and Mangoes", Kristin Ow Chapman, MD Candidate, NYU School of Medicine
"Volunteering in Accra, Ghana", Brian Lich, BA Candidate, Southern Methodist University; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Accra, Ghana
"The Roads of Ghana", Daniel Vekhter, BA Candidate, Yale University; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Asikuma Breman, Ghana
"Title To Be Announced", Hafeezah Omar, BA Candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Accra, Ghana
"Journeying through India with a New Set of Eyes", Rosh and Roshan Sethi, BS Candidate, Yale University; Unite For Sight Volunteers in New Delhi, India
"Tamale, Ghana", Shakira Sanchez-Collins, BA Candidate, Yale University; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Tamale, Ghana
"Four women, three men, two cows, and a truck: Tales from Chennai, India", Shawn Lin, BS, Unite For Sight Volunteer in Chennai, India
"New Vision in Ghana: Volunteering in Accra", Stephen Furlow, MD Candidate, University of Kentucky School of Medicine; Unite For Sight Volunteer in Accra, Ghana
Strategies To Provide Health Care To Populations: Africa and Asia
"Effective approaches to enhance coverage of vitamin A supplementation in Sub-Saharan Africa", Werner Schultink, MD, Chief Child Development and Nutrition, UNICEF
"Trends in Trichiasis Surgery and Antibiotics Mass Treatment in Trachoma Control in 10 African and Asian Countries in 2004-2006", Sam Abbenyi, MD, MSc, Director, Programs and Logistics, International Trachoma Initiative
"Combating The Obosogenic Environment: An Overview of the Scope of the Issue on a Global Basis", Tanya Whitehead, PhD, Research Associate Professor, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Nursing
"Volunteering in Chennai, India", Ravin Bastiampillai, BSc Student, University of Alberta
05:00pm-05:40pm: Concurrent Sessions
Retinal Lesions and Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
"The Healing of Retinal Photocoagulation Lesions", Yannis Paulus, MD Candidate, Stanford University School of Medicine
"Instruction Course With Live Hands-On Using Indirect Ophthalmoscope For Optometrists To Help Diagnose Retinal Diseases at the Community Level", Pooja Sinha., MBBS, Ophthalmologist, AB Eye Institute, Patna, India
Day 2: Sunday, April 13, 2008
Keynote Address By Dr. Jeffrey Sachs
"Common Wealth: Economics For A Crowded Planet", Jeffrey Sachs, PhD, Director of Earth Institute at Columbia University; Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, Professor of Health Policy and Management, Columbia University; Special Advisor to Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon
Millennium Village Project
"Millennium Villages", Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, MD, MPH, Health Coordinator, Millennium Village Project
Plenary Panel - The Need For A Global Coalition of Good
Jeffrey Sachs, PhD, Director of Earth Institute at Columbia University; Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, Professor of Health Policy and Management, Columbia University; Special Advisor to Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon
Ted M. Alemayhu, Founder, Chairman and CEO, US Doctors For Africa
Edward ONeil Jr, MD, Founder, Omni Med; Author, Awakening Hippocrates: Primer on Health, Poverty, and Global Service, and A Practical Guide to Global Health Service
Seth Wanye, MD, Ophthalmologist, Eye Clinic of Tamale Teaching Hospital, Ghana
11:15am-11:55am: Concurrent Sessions
Plenary Panel - Brain Drain: The Health, Development, and Economic Effects on African Countries
Jeffrey Sachs, PhD, Director of Earth Institute at Columbia University; Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, Professor of Health Policy and Management, Columbia University; Special Advisor to Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon
Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, MD, MPH, Health Coordinator, Millennium Villages
Thomas Baah, MD, MSc, Ophthalmologist, Our Lady of Grace Hospital, Ghana
James Clarke, MD, Ophthalmologist and Medical Director, Crystal Eye Clinic, Ghana
Michael Gyasi, MD, Ophthalmologist and Director of the Bawku Eye Care Program, Ghana
Seth Wanye, MD, Ophthalmologist, Eye Clinic of Tamale Teaching Hospital, Ghana
The Four Heartbeats of Social Entrepreneurship
"The Four Heartbeats of Social Entrepreneurship"
01:00pm-02:30pm: Concurrent Sessions
Innovative Global Health Solutions
"Bridging the gap between knowing the right thing to do and doing it right", Harshad Sanghvi, MD, Medical Director, JHPIEGO, Johns Hopkins University
"Innovative Approaches to Public Private Partnerships in Kenya's Health and Youth Sectors", Georgia Sambunaris, MA, Senior Financial Markets Specialist, USAID
"Innovative Market Based Solutions in Global Health", Omer Imtiazuddin, MBA, Health Portfolio Manager, Acumen Fund
"Public Private Partnerships in Action: ExxonMobil's approach to making a difference on malaria's human toll in Africa", Steven C. Phillips, MD, MPH, Medical Director, Global Issues and Projects, Exxon Mobil Corporation
Perspectives on Eye Care and Outreach
"Managing Technology to Advance Eye Care", Ismael Cordero, Advisor, Healthcare Technology, Orbis
"Maximizing Limited Resources to Provide Outreach Eye Care", Satya Verma, OD, FAAO, Director, Community Eye Care, Pennsylvania College of Optometry
"Ophthalmology in the Holy Land: The Eye Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem", Steve Hudson, MD, JD, MPA, Ophthalmologist, Member of the Order of St. John (M.St..J), Unite For Sight Volunteer
"Training Community Eye Workers in Ghana and Liberia: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", Glenn Strauss, MD, Vice President of International Health Care and Programs, Mercy Ships, Int'l
Obstetric Fistula: Film-Based Campaigning
"Obstetric and Traumatic Fistula: Film-based Campaigning for Global Women's Health", Lisa Russell, MPH, Filmmaker
02:35pm-04:05pm: Concurrent Sessions
"The Bad Road to Good Health: The Clinton Foundation's Initiative to Build Healthcare Capacity in Rural Areas", Andy Ellner, MD, Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative
"Antiretroviral Drugs and Issues of Drug Access and Quality in the Developing World", Terry Blaschke, MD, Professor of Medicine and of Molecular Pharmacology (Active Emeritus), Stanford University School of Medicine
"The End of AIDS - IAVI and the Search for a Vaccine to Prevent HIV", John McGoldrick, Senior Vice President, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)
"Clinical Mentoring Rapidly Improves Clinic Management Systems for HIV Care in Resource-Limited Settings", Katherine Graves-Abe, MIA, Director of Operations, International Center For Equal Healthcare Access (ICEHA)
Ophthalmology: Pediatrics, Glaucoma, Retina, and Cataracts
"Advantages of Using an Economical Anti-VEGF For Treating Retinal Diseases in India", Pooja Sinha, MBBS, Ophthalmologist, AB Eye Institute, Patna, India
"Is That Angle Occludable?"
"The Use of Multifocal and Accomdative Intraocular Lenses in Cataract Surgery", Matthew Paul, MD, Danbury Eye Physicians and Surgeons
"Homocysteine and Eye Disease", Nathan Radcliffe, MD, Glaucoma Service at New York Eye & Ear Infirmary
"Epidemiology of Exfoliation Syndrome", Ilya Rozenbuam, MD, GANY Glaucoma Fellow, New York Eye and Ear Institute
Quality and Equality
"Civil Society Advocacy For The Right To Health", Leonard Rubenstein, Executive Director, Physicians for Human Rights
"Doing it The Quality Way Because It Is In Equality", P. Berman, OD, FAAO, Senior Global Clinical Advisor and Founder, Special Olympics Lions Clubs, International Opening Eyes
"The Global Marketization of Health Services: Promoting Inequity, Inequality and Exclusion", Ellen Rosskam, PhD, MPH, Public Health & Social Protection Specialist; Policy Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; Visiting Professor, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Work Environment Department; Visiting Senior Fellow, University of Surrey, European Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, England
04:10pm-05:00pm: Concurrent Sessions
Medical Education in the Developing World
"Creation of a Medical School in Botswana", Major Bradshaw, MD, Founding Dean, University of Botswana School of Medicine
"Undergraduate Medical Education in the University of Ghana Medical School: A Student's Perspective"
04:10pm-05:40pm: Concurrent Sessions
Neglected Tropical Diseases
"Empowering Communities in the Fight to Eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases", Kari Stoever, Director, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Sabin Vaccine Institute
"Tackling The Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs): The Role of PLoS NTDs in Building Capacity", Gavin Yamey, MD, MRCP, Senior Editor, PLoS Medicine; Consulting Editor, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
"Trachoma Control; Challenges for 2020", Thomas Quinn, MD, Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health
"The Slaying of Dragons: Guinea Worm Eradication"
Strategies To Eliminate Preventable Blindness
"Addressing the Need for Reduction of Uncorrected Refractive Error in Persons With intellectual Disability through Participate in Special Olympics Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes Vision Program.", Sandy Block, OD, Illinois College of Optometry
"Eliminating the Needless Loss of Sight That Occurs During Sports", Paul Berman, OD, FAAO, Senior Global Clinical Advisor and Founder, Special Olympics Lions Clubs, International Opening Eyes
"Challenges of Building a Charitable Eye Hospital in India", Satyajit Sinha., MBBS, Ophthalmologist, AB Eye Institute, Patna, India
"Low cost Comprehensive Eye care models and Its replicability"
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