Help for simulation-tools and stroke patients
Jörg Willems has made an important contribution to our understanding
of multi-scale problems in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. The
effects of a stroke can now be significantly alleviated with a stem
cell therapy based on umbilical cord blood.
Simulation is an important tool for computer-based development and
pretesting of materials, helping eliminate expensive, dangerous
mistakes. Computer-based testing is a specialized field of the
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM in
Kaiserslautern, not least because materials simulation is a complex
process involving a great deal of mathematics. This is especially
true of multiscale materials modeling, the mathematical description
of materials across multiple spatial and time scales. Graduate
mathematician Jörg Willems has significantly improved our
understanding of multiscale problems associated with flow dynamics
and thermodynamics. His diploma thesis has greatly facilitated the
use of numerical simulation in the development of filter media,
insulating materials, composite materials and fuel cells. He has been
awarded 2nd place in the Hugo Geiger Prize for his work.
When a stroke is diagnosed, every minute is of high value for
limiting its impact. Existing treatment protocols only take effect
after three to four hours. Physicians are therefore looking for
effective alternatives such as stem cell therapy. Johannes Boltze of
the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI in
Leipzig is one of them. In his doctoral thesis he established a model
for examining strokes in rats, and managed to show that treatment
with stem cell containing populations shows promising results: "The
ability of untreated animals to move after the infarct is severely
impaired," explains Johannes Boltze. "In behavioural tests, for
instance, they have difficulty balancing well enough to run across a
bar. Not so in the case of the animals we treated with cells. They
nimbly run across again after only a fortnight." The stem cells
promote endogenous healing and organizational processes in the brain.
As a result, the surviving nerve cells are probably more resistant to
the damage if the treatment is begun within 72 hours after stroke
onset. Thus, cells from umbilical cord blood and bone marrow could be
used for the stroke trials an uncontroversial method that avoids
any ethical concerns. The cell therapy procedure is ideal for further
clinical usage in a stroke unit. Dr. Johannes Boltze received the 3rd
place in the Hugo Geiger Prize for his research work.-Fraunhofer-
Submitted by harminka on Fri, 2008-05-30 13:24.
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Children's Neurobiological Solutions
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