What exactly is wrong? 'Stem cell therapy' may not be the answer for
your pain management. Furthermore, there are many places that
work 'off-shore' (ex. Costa Rica) that promise the world, but have no
real evidence what THEY do works - and can they do more harm than
good. Treatments using other than your own stem cells require
matching and radiation to knock down the immune system or you will
reject it an possibly develop graft-vs-host disease. Other clinics
use stem cells that are OK for lab work, but not safe to put in
people. Still others aren't eving putting in stem cells.
There are many trying to make a buck off your pain. No one can cure
practically everything without the rest of the world knowing.
Anecdotes are not proof, and you don't even know if results are
factual unless it's been put up for peer review. Most patient
advocates would say if you want to go on a trip to a clinic, go on
the trip and enjoy the sights ... just skip the clinic part.
Recommend: Search ClinicalTrials.
there is a match.
And do this with a more clear than 'open' mind.
StemCells subscribers may also be interested in these sites:
Children's Neurobiological Solutions
Cord Blood Registry
The CNS Healing Group

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