Friday, May 30, 2008

[StemCells] Slowing ALS - Marrow SCs

Media Release | May 26, 2008
Vancouver Researchers Pioneer Safe Pathway to Slow ALS Using Stem
A unique pilot study has established a safe pathway for using bone-
marrow stem cells to slow down and potentially treat Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a fatal neurodegenerative disease without

The study, published in the journal, Muscle & Nerve and led by Dr.
Neil Cashman, professor of neurology at The University of British
Columbia and director of the ALS program at Vancouver Coastal Health
and VCH Research Institute, tested the use of a growth factor
stimulant in ALS patients and found that bone-marrow stem cells
became activated with no adverse effects to patients.

"Our idea was to use a growth factor stimulant to increase the number
of circulating stem cells from within the body's bone marrow where
they would have the potential to travel to the site of injury and
begin repair, slowing down the progression of ALS," says Cashman, who
also holds the Canada Research Chair in Neurodegeneration and Protein
Misfolding Diseases at UBC and is a member of the Brain Research
Centre at UBC Hospital.

"This pathway, if one day successful, may provide a new therapy that
will avoid the ethical debate surrounding embryonic stem cells," says

Growth factors are proteins that can stimulate cell division. They
occur naturally in the human body and can also be developed in a
laboratory. Stem cells serve as a "repair system" in the human body
and have the potential to develop and divide into many different cell

"The project was complex because growth factors have the potential to
activate the wrong cells in the brain and spinal cord, which could be
harmful to ALS patients" says Cashman.

The researchers identified Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-
CSF) as the safest possible growth factor to use. They then conducted
the pilot trial to establish safety and measure stem cell

"We were able to measure a prominent effect on stem cell mobilization
and found no adverse effects in the patients," said Cashman. "There
have been many misgivings in using stem cell stimulators in ALS
patients but now we know we can safely do this. This is an important
first step in providing a new treatment for ALS."

The research team is now developing a larger scale multicentre trial
to look at therapeutic effect. This trial is at least one year away
from beginning.

ALS is a progressive and ultimately fatal neurodegenerative disease
that produces weakness, atrophy – partial or complete wasting away of
a part of the body, and spasticity – continuous contracting of
certain muscles. It results from progressive degeneration of motor
neurons in the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord. There is no cure
for ALS and to date the only registered pharmacological treatment is
riluzole, which slows the progression of the disease on average by 10-
15 per cent. New effective therapies are greatly needed to slow or
halt this disease.

The Webster Foundation in Montreal through the VGH & UBC Hospital
Foundation in Vancouver, as well as the Temerty Family Foundation in
Toronto provided funding for this study. The co-authors include Dr.
Andy Eisen (senior author), professor Emeritus, Neurology, University
of British Columbia and former director Vancouver Coastal Health ALS
program; and Dr. Charles Krieger, associate professor of
kinesiology, Simon Fraser University, professor, neurology, clinical
associate professor, Neurology, University of British Columbia, and
clinician researcher VCH ALS program.

VCHRI is the research body of Vancouver Coastal Health Authority. In
academic partnership with UBC, the institute advances health research
and innovation across B.C., Canada, and beyond.

The Faculty of Medicine at UBC provides innovative programs in the
health and life sciences, teaching students at the undergraduate,
graduate and postgraduate levels, and generates more than $200
million in research funding each year.

The Brain Research Centre at UBC Hospital is a multidisciplinary
centre dedicated to improving understanding and finding new
treatments for brain diseases. The centre is a partnership of the
University of British Columbia and Vancouver Coastal Health Research

- 30 -
Catherine Loiacono
UBC Public Affairs
Tel: 604.822.2644
Cell: 604.209.3048

Lisa Carver
VCHRI Communications
Tel: 604.875.4111, loc. 61777
Cell: 604.319.7533

Last reviewed 29-May-2008

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