Sunday, May 18, 2008

[StemCells] Sphincter repair

Muscle-derived stem cells prove effective in reparing sphincter
damage to restore continence

Contact: Lacey Holt
American Urological Association

ORLANDO, FL, May 20, 2008 Transplantation of muscle-derived stem
cells may provide a safe and effective treatment for patients
suffering from urinary incontinence following a surgical procedure.
Two studies presented today at the 103rd Annual Scientific Meeting of
the American Urological Association (AUA), show that patients with
incontinence resulting from iatrogenic sphincter damage may benefit
from this therapy. Researchers from Germany and Austria presented
findings from two studies to reporters in special press conferences
on May 20, 2008 at 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Certain medical procedures, including transurethral resection of the
prostate and radical prostatectomy can result in damage to the
external urinary sphincter. In one study, a German research team
successfully implanted muscle cells grown from tissue from the
patients deltoid muscles into the damaged sphincter. One year later,
four patients were completely continent and 19 patients had improved
from grade III to grade I incontinence. With more than half of the
patients experiencing an improvement in continence after four months,
the use of muscle-derived cells to repair sphincter damage proved
successful. Minor side effects were observed in five patients.

A second study reaffirmed these findings. Using muscle cells from the
upper arms of 65 incontinent men who had undergone a prostatectomy,
researchers in Austria grew the cells in a laboratory and then
implanted them. Patients were evaluated before the surgery to define
their level of incontinence and evaluated post-operatively to monitor
complications. Prior to therapy, the mean number of pads used per day
was 4.89, and after treatment, the mean number of pads decreased to
1.59. 27.9 percent of patients did not wear pads at all and 43.6
percent reported that they only required a pad for special occasions.
Only 28.5 percent of patients still required pads.

In addition to the author, Tomas L. Griebling, M.D., will be on hand
to answer questions and provide third-party perspective on the study.

NOTE TO REPORTERS: Experts are available to discuss these studies
outside normal briefing times. To arrange an interview with an
expert, please contact the AUA Communications Office at the number
above or e-mail Wendy Isett at

Otto T, Eimer C, Gerullis H: Repair of iatrogenic sphincter damage
and urinary incontinence by autologous skeletal muscle derived cells
(MDC). J Urol, suppl., 2008; 179: 484, abstract 1414.

Strasser H, Mitterberger M, Dalpiaz O, Kerschbaumer A, Pinggera GM,
Frauscher F et al: Transurethral ultrasound guided injection of
autologous myo- and fibroblasts in treatment of incontinence in men:
2 year data. J Urol, suppl., 2008; 179: 483, abstract 1413.

About the American Urological Association: Founded in 1902 and
headquartered near Baltimore, Maryland, the American Urological
Association is the pre-eminent professional organization for
urologists, with more than 15,000 members throughout the world. An
educational nonprofit organization, the AUA pursues its mission of
fostering the highest standards of urologic care by carrying out a
wide variety of programs for members and their patients, including, an award-winning on-line patient education
resource, and the American Urological Association Foundation, Inc.

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