WASHINGTON (CNN) -- An animal rights group is offering $1 million to
any scientist who can create lab-grown meat that is commercially
viable and indistinguishable in taste from the real thing.
PETA wants scientists to grow chicken meat in labs to stop the birds
from being caged and treated poorly.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) said the money
would go to the first scientist who could create and market such a
meat by the summer of 2012. The group said the scientist had to be
able to produce the meat in large enough quantity so it could be sold
in 10 U.S. states -- at a price competitive to the prevailing chicken
Further, the meat had to have "taste and texture indistinguishable
from real chicken flesh to non-meat eaters and meat eaters alike."
A taste-test panel would determine if the lab-produced meat fitted
the criteria.
The group said research had already begun to produce in vitro meat --
that is, meat created from animal stem cells placed in a medium to
grow and reproduce.
However, the group said in a statement on its Web site: "We're still
several years away from having in vitro meat be available to the
general public."
PETA said it was supporting the endeavor because more than 40 billion
chicken, fish, pigs and cows were killed every year for food in the
United States in "horrific ways."
"Chickens are drugged to grow so large they often become crippled,
mother pigs are confined to metal cages so small they can't move, and
fish are hacked apart while still conscious -- all to feed America's
meat addiction," it said. "In vitro meat would spare animals from
this suffering."
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