Repairing a damaged brain using correctly-targeted reinnervation
Scientists in the Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des Processus
Adaptatifs (CNRS/Université Pierre et Marie Curie) have shown that it
is possible to repair an injured brain by creating a small number of
new, specifically-
of non-specific connections. Behavioral tests have demonstrated that
such reinnervation can thus restore damaged cerebral functions. These
results, already on-line, were published in the journal Brain on
April 1st, 2008.
Brain injury in adults can cause irreparable, long-term physical and
cognitive damage. However, motor and spatial functions can be
recovered if undamaged neurons are stimulated to create new
innervation. This type of innervation develops spontaneously after a
brain injury in very young children. Researchers had previously
shown based on injury to the neuronal pathway linking the stem to
the cerebellum(1) it was possible to induce reinnervation in young
adults similar to that observed in newborn infants. This repair was
rendered possible by treating the damaged cerebellum with a peptide
(2) called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) which plays a
role in the development and satisfactory functioning of this neuronal
In the present case, the researchers have extended the use of this
model and showed that the terminals of new axons interact with the
network of undamaged neuronal cells to restore their associated
functions, such as synchronized movement and spatial orientation.
These results demonstrate a correlation between an improvement in
behavior and the degree of reinnervation in the cerebellum. Thus a
small amount of correctly-targeted reinnervation makes it possible to
recover fine functions such as motor and cognitive skills.
These results open promising new perspectives and make it possible to
envisage using BDNF already employed during clinical trials on the
treatment of neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's
disease to repair the human brain after a cerebral lesion.
© CNRS Photothèque / BAILLY Yannick (This image can be obtained
(reference 2000N01866) from the CNRS photo library at:
Image 1 - Fluorescence of the "green fluorescent protein" expressed
under the control of bovine prion protein regulatory sequences in a
Purkinje cell of the gfp-prp transgenic mouse cerebellum.
© DIXON Kirsty (this image is available from the CNRS photo library
at: phototheque@
Image 2 A new afference/connectio
contacts on a target Purkinje cell (in blue), permitting functional
Notes :
1) This neuronal pathway is referred to as the cerebellum to Purkinje
cell climbing fiber pathway and it is implicated in the coordination
of movements.
2) A protein that is normally present in the brain and is involved in
its development and functioning.
Références :
BDNF increases homotypic olivocerebellar reinnervation and associated
fine motor and cognitive skill
Melina L. Willson(1,2)
M. Lohof(1) and Rachel M. Sherrard(1,4)
1) Université Pierre et Maris Curie-P6, UMR7102, Paris, F75005-
France; CNRS, UMR7102, Paris, F75005-France
2) School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, James Cook
University, Australia
3) Assistance Publique, Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Charles Foix, UEF,
F-94200, Ivry sur Seine, France
4) Developmental Neuroplasticity Laboratory, School of Anatomy and
Human Biology, University of Western Australia, Australia
Brain (2008), 1st April 2008.
Contacts :
Researcher :
Rachel Sherrard
T 01 44 27 32 27/06 76 04 40 80
Public Information Officers :
Laetitia Louis
T 01 44 96 51 37
Véronique Raoult
T 01 44 27 73 88
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