Fixing Broken Hearts With Menstrual Blood
Posted April 25th, 2008 by Steve Levenstein
Could "the curse" become the cure? It could happen, if Japanese
scientists have their way. Experiments performed at the Keio
University school of medicine have succeeded in growing sheets of
heart muscle from connective tissue cells harvested from menstrual
According to Shunichiro Miyoshi, a cardiologist with the Keio
University team, cells in women's menstrual blood have properties
similar to those of embryonic stem cells, which can transform
themselves into a variety of different cell types as the body
When it comes to growing heart muscle, however, the connective tissue
cells in menstrual blood have a success rate 100 times higher than
the 0.2 - 0.3 percent for stem cells taken from human bone marrow.
When the researchers cultured the cells derived from menstrual blood
for one month, then placed them in close proximity to rat heart
muscle cells cultured in vitro, they were astounded to see the
transformed connective tissue cells beating right along with the rat
The long term goal of the research is to duplicate in humans what has
been achieved in rats - improvements in heart health following heart
attacks in rats who were treated with the cultured cells.
Shunichiro Miyoshi suggests that one day in the future, women will
be able to culture their own menstrual blood to create a personalized
stockpile of cells. By doing so, they will build up a reservoir of
repair cells that will not cause a reaction from the body's immune
Well ladies, are you up to this? Comfortable with processing your
monthly flood and saving it for a "rainy day"? Would you gladly wear
a fashion accessory resembling a red colostomy bag? Don't make that
face - the life you save just may be your own. Period. (via
StemCells subscribers may also be interested in these sites:
Children's Neurobiological Solutions
Cord Blood Registry
The CNS Healing Group

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