Brain Tissue Could Be Regenerated After Stroke By Inserting
Microscaffolding And Stem Cells, Animal Study Suggests
ScienceDaily (Apr. 10, 2008) Inserting tiny scaffolding into the
brain could dramatically reduce damage caused by strokes the UK
National Stem Cell Network Annual Science Meeting will hear April 10.
Speaking at the conference in Edinburgh, Dr Mike Modo from the
Institute of Psychiatry will explain how combining scaffold
microparticles with neural stem cells (NSCs) could regenerate lost
brain tissue.
Strokes cause temporary loss of blood supply to the brain which
results in areas of brain tissue dying - causing loss of bodily
functions such as speech and movement. Neural Stem Cells offer
exciting possibilities for tissue regeneration, but there are
currently major limitations in delivering these cells to the brain.
And while NSC transplantation has been proven to improve functional
outcomes in rats with stroke damage little reduction in lesion volume
has been observed.
However, with funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council (BBSRC) neurobiologists from the Institute of
Psychiatry (Dr Mike Modo & Prof Jack Price) and tissue engineers from
the University of Nottingham (Prof Kevin Shakesheff) have joined
forces to tackle the challenge of tissue loss as a result of stroke.
Working with rats, Dr Modo and his team are developing cell-scaffold
combinations that could be injected into the brain to provide a
framework inside the cavities caused by stroke so that the cells are
held there until they can work their way to connect with surrounding
healthy tissue.
Dr Modo explains: "We propose that using scaffold particles could
support NSCs in the cavity to re-form the lost tissue and provide a
more complete functional repair. The ultimate aim is to establish if
this approach can provide a more efficient and effective repair
process in stroke."
The team hope their work will pave the way for NSCs to be
successfully used in clinical settings to re-develop parts of the
brain damaged by stroke and neurodegenerative diseases.
This research is being carried out by Dr Mike Modo and Professor Jack
Price from the Institute of Psychiatry and Professor Kevin Shakesheff
from the University of Nottingham.
This research is being presented at the UK National Stem Cell Network
Inaugural Science Meeting at the Edinburgh Conference Centre on 10
April 2008.
Adapted from materials provided by Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences Research Council.
Need to cite this story in your essay, paper, or report? Use one of
the following formats:
MLA Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (2008,
April 10). Brain Tissue Could Be Regenerated After Stroke By
Inserting Microscaffolding And Stem Cells, Animal Study Suggests.
ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from
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