- No Scalpel, No Scars, No Silicon: Natural Breast Augmentation With
Body-Own Stem Cells
April 29, 2008
It is still widely believed that the use of silicon is state-of-
the-art in breast enlargement. That is not so. Thanks to recent
research on stem cells, women today need not rely on plastic pads if
they opt for larger breasts. Today small breasts can be augmented by
use of stem cell concentrated own-fat. At his "Clinic DDr. Heinrich",
Vienna-based DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, an expert in aesthetic
medicine and anti-aging, is the first to offer this method in
Europe. "Breast Augmentation with stem cells for many women means
lasting enlargement of the breasts without implants or scars," says
DDr. Heinrich.
Several clinical studies have made it clear that stem cell
concentrated own-fat is an ideal, lasting and harmless filling for
breast augmentation.
In the first step body fat will be extracted by special, patented
microcanulas. After concentrating the fat with stem cells from the
patient's body, the fat will be injected into the breast. The
injection site will heal without scar formation.
Typically an enlargement of the breast by one or two cup sizes
can be obtained. The implanted volume of stem cell concentrated own-
fat will be almost completely preserved.
DDr. Heinrich uses stem cell concentrated fat also for natural
body forming in other regions of the body as well as for correcting
of dents and rejuvenation of the skin. "Stem cells from fat have a
very special biological potency, allowing for use far beyond
aesthetics - for example in the rejuvenation of organs," says DDr.
Heinrich. More information on
Clinic DDr. Heinrich
Contact: Mag. Thorwald Fastner
Phone.: +43-1-532-18-
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