Good Brain? Thanks, Mom
Choline is important for brain development in prenatal nutrition.
By Jean Carper
April 25, 2008
Pregnant women who get sufficient levels of the nutrient choline in
their diet may have offspring with a higher IQ as a baby, better
verbal skills as a child and better memory in old age, speculates
Steven Zeisel of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In
animal tests, he found that choline has an amazing, lifelong effect
on brain structure and function. Choline stimulates fetal brains to
make more stem cells, producing superior wiring in the brain.
One way to get choline is by eating two or three eggs a day. Other
good sources: wheat germ, soybeans, peanut butter, chocolate and beef
This EatSmart column is reprinted from USAWEEKEND Magazine and is
copyrighted by Jean Carper. It cannot be reprinted without permission
from Jean Carper.
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